Yay or Nay?: Madonna's Red Carpet Style

Posted by Alexandra C. | Monday September 12, 201145 comments

Madonna is an institution and on a general basis, I consider any comment made against her to be blasphemy, however, I may make an exemption in this case. From that, you can guess that I will be on the NAY side for this red carpet look. 

Here is Madonna at he Vanity Fair Oscar party, she showed up in the very lacy, very sheer, ensemble. The dress has a very high slit up the front of her leg but not to worry because she has fishnets on underneath. Thank goodness there is something under that dress- for modesty's sake Madonna covers up with... a corset of course! Topped off with a fur vest to keep warm? 

This outfit is not appropriate- ever. Too sheer, too lacy, too low cut, too many slits and too confusing. Madonna- act your age and cover up! 

Am I being too harsh here? She has a slammin' bod, does that entitle her to wear whatever pleases her? Is she being brave and ageing gracefully? Is this outfit a YAY or a NAY? Let us know by leaving a comment below by September 19th, a randomly chosen comment will win a prize. 
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on September 13, 2011  Aliza  14,011 said:

definitely NAY. I don't think this outfit could look good on anyone, hot bod or not. The outfit is not only not appropriate but definitely not appropriate for the event she was attending. she's worn worse, this should get attend to that pile to be burned!

on September 13, 2011  takoda  28,648 said:

Nay, just nay.

on September 12, 2011  Candy10Apple  526 said:

Nay. Way too lacy and the fur vest just looks awkward.

on September 12, 2011  collifornia  784 said:


on September 12, 2011  sande  252 said:

Yay, Yay, Yay!!!!! Go girl!!! Madonna looks fab, it's just another new look for her and if anyone can make a offbeat look work, it is Madonna. High fashion may be for the runways and red carpets only but these designs give out endless possibilities for how to wear this in "real" life.

on September 12, 2011  CarlySpitzer  307 said:

NAY! It was a nice thought- some other stars have done the sheer lace look an it works for them! But of course Madonna trying to put her own dramatic spin on it. NAY MADONNA! Every star should dress tastefully rather than trying to shock people, I mean, hello! Lady Gaga wore a meat suit. MEAT! There's no out-doing that!

on September 12, 2011  Unw4nt3d  1,454 said:

Nay, this kind of style won't look good on anyone, despite how good their body is. The fur gives off a really bad impression and the lace is just horrid!

on September 12, 2011  hideouslyheather  1,039 said:

Definately NAY .. but she has worn way worse. You get used to the wacky outfits eventually, but there is a time when you have to grow up. Having the means and the looks to wear anything in the world, you would think she would be more classy !

on September 12, 2011  KindlyMe  844 said:


on September 12, 2011  Shari said:

Nay! I don't think anyone should wear that outfit.

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