Yay or Nay: Miley Cyrus' New Cropped Haircut

Posted by Alexandra C. | Tuesday August 14, 201259 comments

Perhaps Miley Cyrus was inspired by Anne Hathaway's recent chopped 'do because this past weekend she went from long, beach waves to a short pixie cut. Miley tweeted photos as she cut off her signature hair style into a dramatic and edgy style. It's bleach blonde, choppy and definitely a bold move for the young actress! 

See what I mean by bold? This isn't the same Hannah Montana we once knew! So, let's discuss it, shall we? What do you think of Miley's new hair cut? 
At first I was pretty turned off and kind of disappointed that she chopped off that hair that I was so jealous of. However, the more I looked at it, the more I got used to it and I must say, I'm kind of digging it. It's not exactly what you'd call 'pretty' or 'feminine' but it suits Miley and the cut is daring and brave. Kudos to Miley, I say! She went for it all the way and I've got to admire that. 

What's your take on her pixie cut, chicks? Is this a yay or a nay? 
(images via justjared.com)
More by Alexandra C.
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on August 16, 2012  joipoyaoan  963 said:

Nay. I think it's way too short for her. Short is actually good, but with the undercut thing? Nope. I do like the fact that she went her way to doing what she loved to do with her hair though.

on August 16, 2012  sctich  1,214 said:

I think it's young and fun and she can absolutely pull it off. Is it my favorite look for Miley? No, I'm not loving the super short, super blonde.....but kudos to her for having the guts to make such a drastic change to her appearance!

on August 16, 2012  Henrys  815 said:

I think yay for her. It is a bold statement, but that seems to be her style!

on August 16, 2012  TammyK  1,073 said:

I would say yay. It looks good on her!

on August 16, 2012  Racenhawk  2,704 said:

she's a nut case

on August 16, 2012  Jenny at dapperhouse said:

I am jealous and I LOVE IT! I wish I was young and could do something that fun and bold!!!!

on August 16, 2012  ronnieb  538 said:

I say Nay only because she was sexier before with the longer do. I am all for people wanting to change their look and style and all the power to you all out there.

But I still say Nay!

on August 16, 2012  Tynk  2,234 said:

Yay! I think it looks great on her. Totally works with her hair texture and facial structure. It's time we let her grow up and say good bye to Hanna Montana. Lets just be happy she didn't do something as drastic and awful looking as Britney Spears did back in the day.

on August 16, 2012  ellstar  5,069 said:

I think it's cute, that's the right age to experiment with your look, good for her. It's not the best but it'll shag and short hair is so easy to restyle.

on August 16, 2012  Lou-Lou said:

Nay Nay Nay! It looks like a chop job done by my 5 year old... I hate it.

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