Yay or Nay: Miley Cyrus' New Cropped Haircut

Posted by Alexandra C. | Tuesday August 14, 201259 comments

Perhaps Miley Cyrus was inspired by Anne Hathaway's recent chopped 'do because this past weekend she went from long, beach waves to a short pixie cut. Miley tweeted photos as she cut off her signature hair style into a dramatic and edgy style. It's bleach blonde, choppy and definitely a bold move for the young actress! 

See what I mean by bold? This isn't the same Hannah Montana we once knew! So, let's discuss it, shall we? What do you think of Miley's new hair cut? 
At first I was pretty turned off and kind of disappointed that she chopped off that hair that I was so jealous of. However, the more I looked at it, the more I got used to it and I must say, I'm kind of digging it. It's not exactly what you'd call 'pretty' or 'feminine' but it suits Miley and the cut is daring and brave. Kudos to Miley, I say! She went for it all the way and I've got to admire that. 

What's your take on her pixie cut, chicks? Is this a yay or a nay? 
(images via justjared.com)
More by Alexandra C.
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on August 14, 2012  Creamsicle  60 said:

Love it! And I'm not usually a short do person, but it totally suits her!

on August 14, 2012  shoegal2  480 said:

I myslef do not care for it, but it is her hair and if she likes it then good for her. I guess I don't understand what the big deal is....? Or why anyone really cares...?

on August 14, 2012  Becky  13,128 said:

I kinda loved her long hair. She's such a gorgeous girl with such a cute face that pretty much everything suits her. Good for her for doing it! Hair grows .. she looks good both ways. I loved her long hair but if she likes this, good for her.

on August 14, 2012  farouknabela  3,469 said:

Nay for me, she looks like a guy now :/

on August 14, 2012  katieg  10,672 said:

Nay for me as I loved her long hair. I had a pixie cut when I was really young and hated it.

on August 14, 2012  LadyFlash  8,899 said:

I think it's cute. But I don't think the tight/short sides flatter her face shape. Although I think she's really awesome for having the guts to do something so drastic! Good for her :)

on August 14, 2012  beautyinfinitum  2,817 said:

Oh, wait -- the charity thing might just be a rumour. I do still like it though -- she reminds me of Edie Sedgwick in the second picture.

on August 14, 2012  beautyinfinitum  2,817 said:

Didn't she donate it to a cancer charity? Always YAY for philanthropy.

on August 14, 2012  bubbles77  28,057 said:

Short seems to be in, it's a little shocking at first, but Miley can definitely pull it off. Yay !!

on August 14, 2012  SJ8706  309 said:

Yay. I really like it. Although I was super jealous of her long locks.

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