Yay or Nay: Miley Cyrus' Red Carpet Style

Posted by Alexandra C. | Monday September 10, 201296 comments

Oh Miley, we need to stop meeting like this. You have been our Yay or Nay subject one too many times my dear, and yet, you don't seem to learn. Well, in any case, here we are again and we have a doozy of a Miley outfit to discuss. Here Miley is, walking the red carpet at the recent MTV Video Music Awards. 

Last week, I was a bit harsh on Kate Hudson who showed off a little bit too much for my taste. I guess I'm going to be a bit of a hypocrite when I say that I'm actually loving this dress. The neckline is risqué but it's offset by the long sleeves and floor length hemline. I'm really digging the sheer parts too, it's edgy but sexy. I think it's a very appropriate dress for the occasion and the event. 

I think my main concern with this look is her makeup and hair. When Miley chopped off her signature long locks, I was totally rooting for her, but this bouffant is not doing it for me. Her makeup is really lackluster here too. It's like she's wearing too much (pancake face anyone?) and not enough at the same time. I'd love to see Miley really go for it with this look, maybe try out a dark lip and dramatic smoky eyes, this look is not bringing out any of her great features.   

What do you think of her outfit, hair and makeup? Is Miley werkin' it or does this fall flat? Leave a comment below with your yay or nay vote by September 16th and you could win a prize!

(images via justjared.com
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on September 12, 2012  ellstar  5,069 said:

The dress looks great from behind and terrible up front. Ughhh.

I don't mind the hair but the makeup doesn't work at all.

on September 12, 2012  Steffikah  9,295 said:

Something's not right here. I don't like her new cut; it just doesn't suit her the way her longer hair (or even the shorter, brown and wavy lob) did. It seems like she's trying too hard to break away from that image and be something she isn't. The dress is nice but not something I'd wear. I'd feel naked, but maybe that's the whole point of this dress!

on September 12, 2012  improperganda  670 said:

NAY! not feeling it at all.

on September 12, 2012  christy101  572 said:

Nay... no...

on September 12, 2012  Vernie  2,445 said:

nay ... back of the dress is nice .. front not so much and the hair has got to go!

on September 12, 2012  jacobif  299 said:

NAY!! the look belongs to PINK and honestly i don't think it goes at all with miley other then that she's rocking that dress her makeup is a little off i think she could've done a bit more edgier make-up .

on September 12, 2012  scrbic  17,483 said:

nayy... gross!

on September 12, 2012  teephs  2,211 said:

nay! she's trying too hard to look like pink!

on September 12, 2012  AmandaSays  340 said:

Nay! Yuck! Not a fan of hers

on September 12, 2012  catty81  1,022 said:

Nay, Not loving the hair, she has such beautiful long hair....this look does nothing for her, it doesn't suit her face.

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