Yay or Nay?: Olsen Twins Red Carpet Style

Posted by Alexandra C. | Monday October 17, 201152 comments

It's a double whammy this Yay or Nay as we're looking at the Olsen twins! Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen attended the New York Film Festival for their sister Elizabeth's film Martha Marcy May Marlene which was showing there. 

I'm a big Olsen style fan for the most part, I've always found that they are ahead of the style curve and they have fabulous taste as evidenced in their line The Row. However, with this particular ensemble, I am beginning to question their fashion cred. 

Here are the issues I am having with this: 

- Why the chunky, top heavy silhouette of fur on a lean, stream lined maxi skirt? Drags their petite frames down! 

- Not loving the heavy under eyeshadow on the left. We actually tried out this look but for the most part, the dramatic bold colour under eyeshadow wasn't well received. 

- What's with the giant furry sleeves on the leather jacket? Had it been an all leather jacket in brown, I could have forgiven this but the fur sleeves are way too over the top for me. 

What do you think of this red carpet style? Are the Olsens pulling this look off? 

(images via justjared.com
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on October 24, 2011  AlexJC  50 said:

Hey Everyone!

Thanks for commenting, voting and giving us your feedback. I think the results of this Yay or Nay was an overwhelming nay! The comment winner for this giveaway is fairyinred!

Congrats! If you didn't win don't despair because we've put up another Yay or Nay- Katy Perry style this week!

on October 21, 2011  luv2shop  3,758 said:

Nay...These outfits are not flattering at all!

on October 20, 2011  jess said:

ney! they look like old grannies ! [email protected]

on October 20, 2011  meredithk115  4,186 said:

I don't like it but they are so dang skinny they probably needed the warmth of the fur.

on October 20, 2011  GlamGal  2,378 said:

Ugh, Nay! I get that they are boho-babes, but this is sorta pushing it!

on October 20, 2011  beautycrazed  243 said:

Nay. Big furry nay. Who wants to walk around looking like a wooly mammoth?

on October 20, 2011  Unw4nt3d  1,454 said:

unfortunately, it's a nay. There's too much chunky fur and makes the outfit look un-unified and really uncoordinated

on October 20, 2011  ellstar  5,069 said:

Wow, I was actually surprised at how bad these ensembles are. It makes them look like tiny shriveled old ladies instead of women in their mid-twenties. The rusty eyeliner also looks like a disease, not high fashion.

on October 20, 2011  Devin.kalisz  288 said:

I think they were adorable at one time...seeing them here in this pict NAY!!!

on October 20, 2011  PerfectlyPolished  159 said:

Those outfits are frightening! I would never wear it and I usually think they do a good job at pulling off bizarre stuff but not in these pictures...

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