Yay or Nay: Rihanna's New Blonde Hair

Posted by Alexandra C. | Monday February 6, 2012123 comments

Over the past few years, Rihanna has had a lot of hairstyles. She's practically a hair chameleon. I mean, she makes Lady Gaga and Katy Perry look like hairmateurs (get it, hair amateurs? I know, bad joke.)! 

Whatever her hairstyle incarnation, Rihanna is always confident in her look. I mean, if you can pull off a ginger Ariel the mermaid 'do, then you can pretty much do anything. 

Curly or straight, you've gotta respect a lady bold enough to wear fire engine red hair!
Rihanna recently tweeted her brand new hairstyle that will be debuted on the cover of Elle. She's now a blonde bombshell! She's now rocking a choppy mid length blonde hair cut!  

When I first say this, I wasn't too enthused. I wasn't sure if I liked the blonde on her skin tone. Since then, it's grown on me a bit but this isn't one of my all time fave RiRi looks. 

Personally, I love it when Rihanna wears her hair all crazy curly and natural but I'm also a fan of her raven locks. I'm not a fan of bleached, dyed or over the top hairstyle; I think a natural and pretty look is definitely the way to go.

What do you think, is Rihanna's new blonde hair a Yay or Nay? What's your favourite Rihanna hairstyle? 

Leave us a comment by February 12th for a chance to win! Check out more details and prizes for this week over here

(all images via justjared.com or strayhair.com
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on February 13, 2012  torontogirl84  2,271 said:

Yay! I think she looks hot as a blonde!

on February 13, 2012  Keeks  3,762 said:

nay. I liked her hair much more when she was first comming out and had a more natural look

on February 12, 2012  Glogirl  3,602 said:

I like the blonde but I think darker hair colours complement her skin tone better.

on February 12, 2012  amidai  395 said:

nay, it makes her look older.I love hoe the darker colors looks on her.

on February 12, 2012  Christine L.  1,399 said:


on February 12, 2012  demmi  331 said:

not a big fan of the blonde
I love the other looks

on February 11, 2012  cottencandy  1,366 said:

yay it looks great on her!

on February 10, 2012  Betty S said:

Nay I think the dark style suits her more

on February 09, 2012  sydneysparky524  308 said:

I like the dark pixie cut. The blonde looks completely fried, the red looks too fake--it makes her skin look red--and the dark curly with the lighter ends looks like she stuck her finger in a light socket/

on February 09, 2012  happy10 said:

Nay i too like the dark hair or brown/brunnette best on her, red was crazy but suited her and although she can pull off practically any look the best one would be dark hair.

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