Yay or Nay: Top 3 WORST Red Carpet Looks of 2013 + Comment to Win!

Posted by Alexandra C. | Monday January 6, 201457 comments

2013 was a doozy for red carpet fashion. Celebs like Kerry Washington, Zoe Saldana and JLaw took the fashion world by storm with their fabulous fashion choices. Plus, it gave us some of the BEST Halloween costumes ever (Miley at VMAS, anyone?). Among the starlets that knocked it out of the park this year, there were a few that didn't fair as well. I'm thinking of three ladies in particular: the aforementioned Miley, Ms. Goopy (Gwyneth Paltrow) and Kanye's main squeeze Kim K. We discussed all three of these ladies, but it's time to bring 'em back for one major all star round of bad fashion! Let's take a look at three of my LEAST favourite and most controversial red carpet looks from 2013, shall we? 

Miley Cyrus and her denim/sweatpant combo outfit 

Is it sweatpants? Denim? It's both! And it's weird. 

Gwyneth Paltrow shows off side butt

Like side boob but with the bum? Apparently it's a thing. 

Kim Kardashian's hideous wallpaper MET gown

Remember how weird this one was? Why so much floral, Kim?
I want you to tell me which one of these you deem the WORST of 2013. Or maybe there's a look here that you're totally into? Let me know! Leave a comment here with your worst of 2013 pick OR tweet us @ChickAdvisor with the hashtag #yayornay to win a prize pack worth C$35.00! 

(images via huffingtonpost.comjustjared.comtomandlorenzo.com)
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on January 09, 2014  KatelynRose1984  20,704 said:

Personally, I think Miley is the worst. Yeah, Kim's dress is pretty hideous - but at least she looks like she attempted to look nice for the event. Miley just looks like a wreck.

on January 09, 2014  lovelydays  3,649 said:

Kim's is by-far the worst. And Miley looks like she's stuck in the '90s.

on January 08, 2014  nscott84  4,013 said:

All are nays for me but I think kims is the worst, that just isn't a flattering pattern for anyone. My grandma had a couch that looked like that.

on January 07, 2014  chrisc  1,382 said:

Kim looks the worst. Terrible choice for the gala. It is much too much fabric and skin tight.
Yay to Gwyneth's look - she can easily pull off this revealing and interesting design. I guess sometimes they just want to take a chance and shake things up - or get people talking - and this dress definitely did that!
Miley is just punk and as unflattering and edgy as her look is lately she still has a pretty face.

on January 07, 2014  jl13  2,934 said:

All three are big Nays!

on January 07, 2014  haron  12,289 said:

Nay on all three outfits.

on January 06, 2014  dreamer  1,442 said:

sometimes designer wear should just stay on the runway. Nay on all fronts

on January 06, 2014  Charmheart16  3,985 said:

Nay across the board. What were they thinking when they decided to wear these.

on January 06, 2014  stsjenn  1,792 said:

Kim's is the worst in my opinion!

on January 06, 2014  suigeneris  2,244 said:

Nay, yay, nay. Surprisingly, I found myself quite liking Gwenyth Paltrow's dress. Looks great on her, and compared to dresses that came later with a similar style (Jaimie Alexander at Thor's premiere comes to mind), this one looks very tame in comparison.

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