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Recessionista ShopCrawl Thursday June 18th, 2009

Hey Everyone!

We have another fabulous ShopCrawl lined up for Thursday June 18th! Our 5th ShopCrawl, Recessionista will be in the Toronto Bloor/Yorkville neighborhood and is guaranteed to help y'all forget about... uh, the recession! How you ask? Because the discounts are silly good, and you get so much for free it doesn't make financial sense...
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This falls under, "how cool is that?" and I just had to share. Over the long weekend, Alex and I spent some time meandering around Yorkville, poking into flower shops, small boutiques and new stores that recently opened. This is called research.

On our way back to the car, I noticed a tiny new Italian espresso bar called Zaza. I was carrying cut roses we had purchased from the flower markets on...
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Posted by Ali | Friday May 8, 2009
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I know what you're thinking. It's going to be a cheesy Jen Aniston Chick Flick. But it's not. It's funny, clever and surprisingly real. Even if you don't have a dog, you will really enjoy this.

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Posted by Ali | Monday May 4, 2009
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We recently attended the new SPANNER store opening at the Shops at Don Mills. If you haven't checked out Don Mills yet, you must. It is beautiful. It is done in the same style as the out door open concept malls in California. We were giddy just driving into the place!

SPANNER has been around for 35 years and is carried in select boutiques in addition to this new flagship store. We were treated...
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We just attended a really great event put on by Jackie Lee of Recruit My Friends with Michael Lee-Chin as the keynote speaker. Lee-Chin is one of the 20 Canadian billionaires on Forbes list and quite an inspirational speaker. He made some interesting points that we thought every entrepreneur (or would be entrepreneur) would benefit from hearing:

- Develop the principals for your business and stick...
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This was an awesome movie. Highly recommended.

Read my review here
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The rolling hills of Tuscany are perfect for Earth Day, no?

Though it's a lovely thought, most of us won't be out planting trees today. At most, we'll probably share "Earth Day" emails with our coworkers and think cozy thoughts about the planet.

Here's a practical idea: If you'll be shopping today, considering opting for greener products in honor of the day. If you're buying...
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A pair of these just arrived in the mail at ChickAdvisor H.Q and it was agreed by all that this is genius!Bare legs at the office in summer can be either too cold with the air conditioning blasting or frowned upon if the office vibe is especially conservative. What's a sandal loving Chick to do? Until now, our choice was peaking pantyhose out the peep toe or braving bare legs.

Secret has come...
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This just made my day. Do you think famous people create alter egos so that no one recognizes them when they want to go out and buy toilet paper without the paparazzi, or does the fame get to their heads to the point where they believe their own hype? No pants? .... OK! Indoor sunglasses? ... This is obnoxious. The only person who deserves to wear sunglasses 24/7 is Karl Lagerfeld. When I interned...
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