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We were recently invited by Cougar Boots, to take a look at their pop up shop that just happened to be down the street from us. We perused their winter boots collection and they were kind enough to let us pick out a pair for ourselves! 

Because great minds think alike and also probably because we have been working together for far too long, we all chose the same pair. So obviously when they...
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You're probably already aware that I'm a huge vintage freak. Whether it's clothing, movies or wedding style, I love me a good vintage theme. There's just something so romantic and charming about it. 

When it comes to living spaces, why should it be any different? Surround your space with some of these oh-so-pretty, retro-esque pieces for a cozy, comfy place to chill. It'll...
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#1 BB and CC Creams 

BB (Beauty Balm) creams were one of the major beauty products of 2012 and the buzz about CC creams came later on, causing a major ruckus in the industry. In 2013, BB creams will continue their reign but CC (Colour Correction) creams are poised to become the next big thing. With heavier coverage and a focus on evening the colour in your skintone, it's easy to see...
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Periods suck. Period. They are no fun, and we don't need to pretend that they are, but we do need to get on with our lives when they hit. 

As a cramp sufferer, I've become an expert at dealing with them and trying to put on a happy face (no matter how much I want to punch the next person who speaks to me, blame PMS). So, here are a few tips, tricks and do's and don'ts for...
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Award season is upon us (psst--Golden Globes are coming up this Sunday!), and since it neatly coincides with the start of a fresh new year we're getting in the mood to give away a few shiny Awards ourselves.

And so without further ado, we present our annual ChickAdvisor Reviewers' Choice Awards: a list of the products that received the most praise from our members during the 2012 calendar year!
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We recently received a forum question from a lovely chick who had some issues with her work wardrobe. Member Tigerlily was wondering what pieces she should be investing in to add to her closet. It was quite a conundrum and we thought what better way to help Tigerlily solve this issue than with an article! 

Getting your style act together is a common New Years resolution so we thought many of...
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It's 2013 and there is a ton to look forward to this year, especially when it comes to beauty. Sure, we'll be sad as we bid aideau to the oxblood lip, but we're very soon going to be saying hello to a whole new collection of spring makeup and that's exciting. 

In Part One of 2013 Beauty Trends, we're counting down 5 hair trends that we predict will be major players in the...
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Exfoliating your face a few times a week should be part of your skincare routine. By removing dead skin cells, it helps to keep your skin smooth, reduce acne and refine your complexion. 

Like any skincare or beauty product, exfoliators can get pricey. Plus, I think we all know that there's nothing worse than waking up in the morning and reaching for your favourite go to product, only to...
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For a girl who struggles over which variety of apples to buy at the supermarket, I'm not sure how I'm going to handle this. The time has come for me to choose where I'll redeem some of my hard earned points from my American Express ChoicePlus card.

This is no ordinary points Card. You earn points everywhere but get double points from 5 places of your choosing from...
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Being an adult is hard. Like, super hard you guys. For realsies. So sometimes, it becomes necessary to #treatyoself. If you aren't already familiar with this concept, it's the idea that once in a while, you just need to throw caution to the wind and indulge yourself in some gratuitously unnecessary (but, I mean like, totally necessary) items. For reference, watch this. 

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