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Oh, we know. Jeans feeling a bit snug? The sugar lethargy is settling in. The thought of another piece of fruit cake makes you cringe. It's time, Chicks. Our friend Talia Chai, Holistic Nutritionist and Natural Foods Chef, is back to share some post-holiday detox advice.
We had a bit too much holiday cheer last night and woke up with a gnarly hangover. What should we do?

Prevention is key....
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Happy New Year Chicks! It is 2014 and we couldn't be more excited to kick this year off with you! Over the past year, we've built this amazing community and we know that 2014 is only going to bring more laughs, more fun and more CA goodness and love. In the spirit of the new year, we decided to share some of our resolutions with you: 

Karen, our lovely Vice President of Marketing and Brand...
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It always amazes me how much of a difference mascara makes. Eyes go from ho-hum to BAM! In your face! Having majuurr lashes creates larger eyes and puts the focus on those peepers. If only we woke up in the morning with mascara-like lashes all ready to go, amirite?! Well, actually, there may be something to it. While we've tried lash extensions and totally loved the results, extensions are not...
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My sister gave me this recipe after I devoured several slices she had freshly baked. It is simply the most delicious, easiest chocolate cake recipe ever.  Who knew flour was such an unnecessary ingredient?  You can prep this with your eyes closed in about 5 minutes.

4 oz (1/2 cup) Bittersweet Chocolate
1/2 C Butter
3/4 C Sugar
3 Eggs
1/2 C Cocoa Powder

Melt chocolate...
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We've all done things we regret, whether it's taking that extra drink last new years eve or rocking that (now cringe-inducing) dress that you just HAD to have. Gurl, we all make bad choices. When the year is up, it's time to reflect on all those bad choices and this week, we're talking about bad fashion choices in particular. Perhaps you were not the culprit but you just HAVE to bring up the...
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In my battle against winter skin, my main weapon is a good mask. Currently, I'm all about Skinceuticals Hydrating B5 Mask. They're concentrated, hydration goodness with ingredients that quickly penetrate and absorb into the skin which means that I see immediate results but those results stay with me throughout the day. So, of course, I'm always open to hearing about new products and...
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You've been asked to a fabulous holiday party but it's a potluck and though you can chow down with the best of them, you're no Nigella when it comes to the kitchen. What's a gal with little to no culinary skills to do? Easy peasy - no cook dishes and appetizers, of course! 

They're so simple to put together, all you need to do is buy the ingredients and assemble (you can even do it at the...
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New Years Eve is always kind of a let down. I hype it up so much and when it comes down to it, it's always lame. Plus, going out is going to cost you $$$. Heading to a club? Be prepared to pay cover charge and for drinks worth a quarter their price. Your best bet is have a few close gals and guys over, spruce up the place to get the atmosphere right, pump the jams and get down to having fun. 
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Merry Christmas chicks and happy holidays! We want to take this opportunity to give you our sincerest wishes for the happiest, brightest holidays!

We hope that as you read this, you're snuggled up with a warm blanket, a mug of something delicious and maybe even that special someone. You've all made this site an amazing place to be and it gives us tingles all over when we think of the...
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This could also be called Lazy Gingerbread Cookie Recipe because I took out all of the ingredients I deemed unnecessary (yes, even the ginger) to make these as simple as possible.  Great for people with short attention spans or if toddlers are present.


3 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 C...
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