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In college, one of our favourite games to pass the time between classes was Wed, Bed, Dead. It goes by a few other names, but the basic premise is this: you have three men to choose from and you need to choose one to wed, one to bed and one that ends up, well, dead. 

I thought it might be fun to play our own little version of the game that I'm calling: Make Out, Marry or Meh! Here's the deal:...
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Not one, but two friends asked me in the last week if I knew of any tips or tricks on how to fix a broken nail. Now, to be honest, when I break a nail I just usually cut that sucker off and file away. Broken nails drive me crazy like Britney in 2007. But a few of my friends like, actually, take care of their nails (and don't bite them into stumps like me) and didn't want to cut it off entirely...
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Call me a princess but I love leaving the work to someone else. I let them do all the tough stuff and I just sit back and relax! 

Well, at least when it comes to my beauty routine. My night time beauty regimen is where I let my products work their magic and just lay back and sleep. I find night one of the best times to use more concentrated or powerful products, because you aren't piling...
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I'm a self confessed sweet-toothed sugar addict. You got a dessert you don't want anymore? I'll take it off your hands for you, free of charge. Now, I'd never say something so blasphemous as 'sugar can get boring' but I will say that once in a while, you need a flavour kick to jazz it up a bit. 

This is where flavouring sugar comes in. Flavouring sugar is similar to infusing an alcohol....
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Ask me what my number one, on the go, must have makeup product is: lip balm. I gotta have me some chapstick! I'm fairly certain a case could be made for a mild addiction. Then again, I do have an affinity for a gorgeous bold red lipstick. And of course, a subtle tint is always welcome. Really, I guess you could just say that I'm all about a great lippie. 

In my research (i.e. online...
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It's amazing how much article material I get from a single conversation with my girlfriends. In one chat sesh, we'll discuss everything from hair removal methods to the latest Netflix offerings (p.s. Orange is the New Black, anyone?). Now, I don't want to toot my own horn, but usually in these little meetings, I'm the go to gal for all questions beauty related. However, I recently picked up a few...
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I'm a total sucker for packaging. I will buy something I have no need for simply because I like the box. Puh-lease tell me that I'm not the only one who squeals with excitement and delight when they see an item that is just too cute to handle? Something that can look so fabulous on a vanity, brighten up any space or add a little fun to your makeup kit. Plus, let's be real: it's cute, you want...
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As many of you know from previous articles, I've dealt with my fair share of acne. I've used so many products and treatments (everything from yoghurt and lemon juice to glycolic acid), so I consider myself something of an acne treatment connoisseur. Of course, that doesn't mean that I don't love and need your recommendations. This week, from July 29 to August 4 when you review an acne treatment...
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Just when you thought they'd run out of letters... 

First there was the BB cream, which is a Beauty or Blemish Balm. Similar to a tinted moisturizer, BB creams gave coverage and moisturization but with added benefits like SPF or antioxidants. It was a major hit. Then, there was the CC cream and yet again, we collectively lost our minds over a new product. CC cream stands for Colour Correcting...
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Remember how cranky I can get when the heat starts to hit Ryan Gosling-esque levels of hotness? Let's just say I'm not exactly Snow White getting dressed by small animals. More like the Evil Queen grimacing in a mirror. In an effort to remain calm, cool and collected throughout the summer, I've been finding products to help me out. While it doesn't exactly cool me enough to feel like the North...
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