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Springtime is synonymous with florals. Every season, we bust them out in full force. It just feels right! This spring, why not try florals in your mani? 

(images via imgur.com, dressupnails.com, flickr.com
We were inspired by the flower power nail art we've seen around the blogosphere. So we decided to try out our own based on this manicure

Pansies are...
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Last year, I took a trip to Florida and fell madly in love with sweet tea. Similar to iced tea but with a smoother, tastier (and sweeter) finish, I couldn't get enough of the stuff that summer. This year, I wanted to kick it up a notch. How can you improve on delicious iced teas? 

Um, how about a shot of somethin' somethin'? 

Here are three cold tea infused cocktails for you to...
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Flowers are a huge part of a wedding. A wedding without flowers would just not be complete. They add a sense of fun, whimsy and romance to your big day. Not to mention, they give life and colour to the venue. Flowers also help with the wedding's theme. As we've previously mentioned, the rustic wedding is trending and a country-esque bouquet or arrangement can bring it all together...
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We all make mistakes. Especially when it comes to beauty. Myself, I've been known to apply just ever too much blush and bronzer. Fortunately, we're here to help with a few simple cheats to help you clean up any beauty blunders you may make! 

#1 Did you get mascara where it doesn't belong? 

Clean up your eyes or any small mistake with a pointed cotton swab dipped in...
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Every beauty junkie knows that when a new season begins you have to adjust your beauty routine accordingly. With the changes in the weather come changes in your lifestyle and what you are used to using may need a switch up or an upgrade. This means one thing: shopping spree!

I found 6 products to add to your shopping list this week for a smooth (and beautiful) transition to summer: 

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Let's get one thing straight: Rooney Mara is a badass statuesque alien that is not of this world. Somehow she always manages to perfectly straddle the line between punk rock and simple elegance. However, I think maybe the fresh faced, avant garde look that has become her signature, is starting to wear out its welcome. 

I like this outfit. The draping is visually interesting and I...
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Lately, I've been breaking one of my ultimate rules: always, always, always remove your makeup before bed. I pretty much deserve and F in that department. I've just been so busy and honestly, I just pass out without a second thought! The result of this is a face full of ick. So, in order to get me back on the cleansing wagon, this week's Review of the Week giveaway category is......
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If there is one thing in this world I love more than beauty products, it's free beauty products!

If you're thinking the same thing, then I have some exciting news for you! This week we have two contests for you to enter and if you win, you could be the lucky chick who walks away with one of two fabulous prize packs full of free beauty products! Each prize pack will be worth approx. C$35.00...
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You probably thought that summer couldn't get any better. I mean it's sunny, how much better could it be, right? 

Well, you were wrong. To help make the most of your summer, we found 5 incredible items to take the season up a level and make it: The. Most. Awesome. Summer. Ever. Seriously. 

1. Springfree Trampoline 11 x 11-ft with Enclosure (C$1299.99) 

2. Coleman Instant...
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A recent study concluded the following: women find men who play the guitar more attractive. Obviously it's true, because like, you guys, it's like science and stuff. Also, duh. Didn't we all already know this? 

This got me thinking, how long has it been since we did a Gratuitous Hottie Face Off? And shouldn't we talk about some guitar playing men? 

This week, we're...
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