Being a superhero seems like hard work. I mean, not only do you have to constantly carry a change of clothes around with you, but there's the flying, lifting heavy objects and I am sure that laser heat vision takes a toll on you. Bascially, superheroes are great multi-taskers. When it comes to beauty products, there are some hidden superheroes as well. They work double duty to ensure that your...
Unfortunately, wrinkles are a part of life. They are inevitable. Which is why all potions 'n' lotions that claim to zap away fine lines exist. Because we all want that baby smooth skin. While the effectiveness of some of the creams might be up for debate, there are a lot of great anti-aging products, just check out our reviews. Of course, when it comes to anti-aging, some people can get um, a...
We did a Cover Girl Battle last week, but the March covers are making their way to news stands and they are MAHJUR enough to deserve another mention. March covers are like the September issue for spring, so yeah - they're kind of a big deal. This week, we're putting three powerhouses against each other, each with a sizzling cover: T Swift on Glamour, Ashley Benson on Cosmo and Riri werkin' Vogue...
I used to have this really big obsession with electric blue eyeliner when I was about ten years old. I would see my mom put on eyeliner and thought I'd be just like her. Except I didn't look at the colour of the eye pencil when I went to the drugstore, so I was stuck with bright blue. I was one cool kid. That was the start of my love for eyeliner. Since then I've stuck to strictly black...
Our mission at ChickAdvisor is simple: we want to empower our chicks to make the best possible decisions when it comes to what they spend their hard earned cash on. Whether it's cosmetics, toys for the little ones or even an ice cream bar; we look at every item to make sure it's good enough for you.
That's why we're putting together these nifty Buying Guides. We'll compile the 10 best in...
A 23 year old woman in the UK has grown a beard and quite frankly, she loves it. Before handing her a waxing strip, let's get some of the facts straight: Harnaam Kaur was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) which causes excessive hair growth. After fighting off her hair growth since the age of 11, she finally put down the razor and was baptized into the Sikh religion which...
This week, there were three magazine covers that caught my eye, each for different reasons. Dakota Johnson graced Elle and yeah, I know what you're thinking - who? While Miley bared all, like ALL for W and lastly, Kristen Stewart scowled on Marie Claire. Obviously, we need to discuss this.
We broke each cover down for it's pros and cons and we need your input. Let us know which cover you...
A day without taming my brows is bound to be a bad one. Being a lady with brows that cannot be tamed without a visit to the esthetician every month, I needed to learn how to make these bold brows stand out and work with the day and evening beauty looks. I must admit, until a couple years ago I did nothing to enhance my brows, but after discovering eyebrow gels and pencils I haven't looked back. My...
Sponsored Chicks, be honest now. Have you been allowing the excuse of cold weather and long warm layers hide a bad beauty secret? Have you??
If you've been letting your legs go all wild 'n wooly lately, it's time to get back on that waxing train and we are here to tell you about a fabulous new product to get you started.