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For the Canadian chicks out there: Happy Canada Day! It's time to sit back, chillax and take in the view from your Muskoka chair. For the U.S. chicks out there: Happy Fourth of July! Fire up that BBQ and get the music playing!

In honour of these holidays (and the long the weekends that accompany them), we rounded up some great patriotic styles that are perfect for any event or activity you...
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It's my personal belief that one can never have too many lipsticks. Because just when you think you've seen everything, along comes another lipstick shade or product that blows everything you've ever tried out of the water. So clearly, you need to get your hands on it. 

I've been busy building quite the lipstick collection these past few months. I've...
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I mentioned in the Ways to Treat a Sunburn article that I am on the fairer side of the skin spectrum. Otherwise known as pasty white. When summer rolls around and I pile up on the sunscreen (so as to not burn my paper white face), I feel good I knowing that I am protecting my skin. Though I will admit, I feel a twinge of jealous when I see all those tanned bodies at the beach. For that,...
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Summer time means shorts, swim suits and sandals. Which in turn means shaving, waxing and pedicures. While it's nice to treat yourself to a fun and relaxing spa day every so often; it isn't always possible to make the trip. Which is where the at home pedicure comes in handy! 

Creating a spa like atmosphere right in your own bathroom is actually pretty simple. Why not try and DIY some...
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If you've ever seen any photo of me before, you know that I'm what some might call, 'pasty', 'extremely pale' or 'snow white-esque' (if you're feeling generous). It's okay, I've come to terms with the fact that I don't ever tan. And that's not by choice either because instead of browning to a glow, I just burn to a crisp. Last Canada Day long...
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I have to admit it: I love my new job. While I’m still a regular part of the ChickAdvisor team, I now have a pint-sized Mini-Me in charge of my daily schedule. One who stops traffic with his bi-toothed grin and cheerful “Agoo?”

Once upon a time, my agenda was crammed with fashion events, work lunches, and sales meetings. These days my routine involves working frantically while the...
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When summer time rolls around, it's time to start packing those bags and digging out the maps! Everyone needs a vacation once in a while and this summer, I order all of you chicks to take some time to chill out and vacay it up! 

When it comes to travel, it doesn't matter whether you're roadtripping, cruising or exploring a new city; you want to look your cutest. But airplanes,...
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With all the buzz around the hot new book series Fifty Shades Of Grey, we're predicating right now that grey becomes the 'it colour' of the season. It's elegant, flattering on almost everyone and can easily be done both for a night out and day at the office. 

While we already rounded up 10 fabulously sexy 'little grey dresses' we thought we needed to talk a little...
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Diane Kruger is no stranger to the Yay or Nay chopping block but this time around, I'm going to be much kinder to her! 

First of all, and I believe I have said this before, but Diane Kruger is absolutely gorgeous. Is it weird to say that I want to borrow her skin and hair? And those cheekbones, my word Diane, where did they come from and how can I get myself a pair? Diane's face is...
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It is officially summer and it is officially ridiculously crazy hot. If you're like me, you're sitting down, sweating buckets while reading this, trying to figure out if (hopefully!) you remembered to put on deodorant this morning. Humid, hot weather is the pits. Smelly pits, at that. 

To help you beat the heat, we put together two great prize packs perfect for this...
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