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Makeup Junkie's last minute stocking stuffer ideas

Life in Fashion has compiled a huge list of blogs with interesting last minute gift ideas

Hey Do You covers the All Black Affair

What Women Want profiles Andre J for their first "genderless individual with a story"Beauty Geeks report on Bond No.9's gorgeous new look

Petite Fashionista profiles accessories from Naturally Petite

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I love you

… um… Hello?

You’re on a romantic date with a guy you’ve been seeing for… let’s say, three months. The sky is filled with stars, he’s wearing your favourite shirt on him and you’re absolutely, positively sure that he’s The One – your soul mate. So after he leans in for a goodnight kiss, you say the three words you’ve wanted to say since the third date: I love you....
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Year after year, stylish knee-high boots seem to be only for the slender of leg; choices for curvier gams appear limited to uninspired shiny stretch vinyl or short, below-the-calf heights. If you're a girl in need of tall boots with a roomier fit, though, don't despair. In a determined search for the holy-boot grail this Fall, I've managed to track down a variety of brand names and a...
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We had our first cafe meet up here in snowy Winnipeg last week.    

Despite the frigid temperatures (-40!!), a handful of you came out for
some gossip, lattes and snacks at the Fyxx Espresso Bar in the

A great time was had by all and we hope to do this again soon!

Preferably in the summer next time...

Thanks for coming and Merry Christmas to all :)
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Hi Everyone, if you've decided to participate in the hullabaloo that is Christmas shopping, we hope it went well and you are not one of the unfortunates left scrambling around the mall today. However, if you are please do say hello as we're likely right there with you!

This week work off some of that holiday cheer by taking advantage of the many sales this week. Burn calories trying on...
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What makes us beautiful? Flower child basics of inner peace and love are essential, but sometimes we practical women do need a little extra help. Our members have spoken - here are some of your favourite recommendations from 2008 (a.k.a. your boyfriend's Stocking Stuffer Shopping List):

Best Mascara: Maybelline Colossal Volum' Express

This recent Product Review Club offering made a splash...
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Why are women so much easier to shop for than men?  I could think of 10 things to get my sister for Christmas but when it comes to the husband I often find myself stumped.  While some guys may appreciate the lovely scrap book of special memories you spent hours putting together or the snowflake sweater you knitted for him, most men will likely prefer something more practical.  So...
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Countless times I’ve looked through my closet, flipped through every single piece of clothing I own, and stomped out of my room, defeated, exclaiming ‘I have nothing to wear!’ Of course, there are things that I could wear, but the sweater I reached for is so out dated, and I can’t remember if skinny jeans are in right now – or whether it even matters.

If you can relate at all, it’s time...
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Christmastime offers the perfect excuse to bake. And since the tanking economy has us all tightening the purse strings, DIY gifts are back in vogue.  A fat Santa cookie jar filled to the brim with your secret recipe cookies is both more practical and thoughtful than a random gift card.

We like this one from Target, $17.49

With that detail sorted out, all that's left is to find that...
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