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A contingency plan that would include history, film clips and out-of-the-ordinary concepts for the 80th annual Academy Awards ...

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Because the rules of fashion change so quickly, it's hard to know if your style is daringly chic or glaringly wrong. Shopaholics Anonymous gives us the 411 on Navy + Black...

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Here's a funny and irreverent post from Chez Pim...

RATP, the Paris transit agency, is running a soup contest in honor of the launch of Ratatouille DVD. They are asking people to submit a soup recipe inspired by one of the names of the Paris metro stops. According to the website the prize is some sort of special night on the town at one of the Michelin multi-star restaurants. If that sounds...
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We love Epicurious for the fabulous recipes they find using the most interesting ingredient combinations. Here's one delicious way to enjoy cauliflower (who knew?!)...

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One of the classic beauties of our time, Isabella Rossellini, is the new face of a campaign to increase awareness of genuine Italian fashion that sometimes flies below the radar. USAToday's got the news...

Italy has put a face to its famous good life: Isabella Rossellini. She stars in a new ad campaign called Made in Italy.

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Method all purpose cleaner in French Lavender. Smells great and is environmentally friendly!

You see the ads in your glossy fashion mags for hybrid Toyotas, you catch the odd commercial for reducing carbon emissions while flicking channels during breaks on Entertainment Tonight. You've heard about Al Gore's documentary An Inconvenient Truth (and one day you will watch it, you promise).

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One person's trash is another's treasure - never has this been more true. One possible source for alternative fuel is kitchen garbage. Confused? Read more, from blogger Ask Patty...

Did you know the answer to reducing petroleum dependency and producing environmentally efficient fuel may be right in your kitchen trash? Household garbage, old tires, and even plant stalk all contain carbon...
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Finally! We have a Dude participating in ChickChat! Our discussions have become much juicier with the addition of the male perspective. They're also funnier. Here are a few of our favorite qoutes:

"Sigh... I smell big discrimination here.
So basically, weaker men, not as interesting men, and I think i need to ask around to see how i chew."

"Men generally don't care about the colour of...
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Here's an interesting post from The Budget Fashionista. Love your cuppa joe? Here's one more reason...

What: Now you can drink your coffee and wear it, too.

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Hmmmm... just in time for Valentine's Day. This one's from Cinnamon Kitten. Pucker up!

Brand: TheraBreath
Name: French Kiss Gum
Price: $9 USD for 3 packs of 12Ok

I'm sure everyone can agree that fresh, clean breath is definitely something everyone wants. Product Notes: - gum doesn't contain aspartame or saccharin- breath-freshening power of gum lasts long after the taste...
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