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Tampax reaches out the third world and you can help! Find out more from Canadian Beauty...

By now I'm sure you've seen the commercials on TV - I know I have. True story: one in 10 African women do not attend school during menstruation or drop out of school because of there aren't any sanitary facilities for them. Through a new program called 'Protecting Futures' Always and...
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Pink is back, and this time it's foolproof! Or at least, so blogger Canadian Beauty believes...

Pink Beauty Cosmetics is a new collection of makeup that will be hitting Holt Renfrew counters very soon - they already have some of the glosses in store.

The line is limited but awesome. This is fool-proof makeup, so if you're one of those readers who is reading this blog so that you can...
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Blogger Sugarshock's love affair with MAC cosmetics is an obsession that some of us can definitely sympathize with!

I still fondly remember my first MAC experience: it was 1993 (or thereabouts) and I was a makeup newbie. I stood before the glossy black MAC counter, in awe of the black-clad makeup artists sporting expertly-applied, technicolor eyeshadows and of course, the coveted black pots...
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Uggs have more life in them than we dared assume. Just read this post from Daily Dose of Coffee and you may actually be tempted...

I don't know, ya'll. These are kind of cute, but really? Uggs makes cute shoes? It just goes beyond what I'm willing to accept. Oh, sure, the heels are rubber, and there looks to be shearling there, and the price is a bit on the crazy side ($130), but...
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Can you tell the difference between the designer version and the cheaper alternative? Ask the Budget Fashionista!

Velour track jackets have become a wardrobe staple of sorts—at least we see them everywhere, whether we actually wear them or not. It’s such a simple and casual item that it’s hard to believe that any of them come with a high-end price-tag, but, of course, they...
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Thank you to everyone who entered our contest for the free tickets to The Wedding Show. We had 2 pairs to give away, courtesy of The Wedding Co.

Here are the best stories engagement stories you shared...

The Scavenger Hunt - WINNER

"Geoff proposed a few days before Christmas. We had finished a lovely dinner at Blowfish when he suggested we take a walk. We ended up at Chapters (where we first met). He...
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Every year, twice a year Toronto gets the luxury of sampling gourmet 3 course meals from some of the finest restaurants in the city for only $20 - $35. Winterlicious begins!

Book early as reservations to the best hot spots get snapped up right away.

Click here for a list of participating restaurants and to check out the Winterlicious menus
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You're maxed out on payments and a pay raise or job switch isn't in the near future. It's a safe bet that improving your personal finances made it onto your list of New Year's resolutions. With outstanding student loans, car payments and moving away from home, some experts estimate that the 18-24 demographic may spend a whopping 30% of their income on debt payments. Add a few kids...
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I Am Fashion covers the wide head band trend on her blog...

Over the years I've always had these on and off phases with wide headbands. Personally they are quite flattering for me and I've always loved them. But they never really served much practical purposes i.e. keep fringe off face...

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Lipstick Powder 'n Paint shares the details on a new contest from MAC...

MAC Cosmetics is holding a fabulous contest that you MUST enter. "Are You A MAC Original?" is a celebration of one's individuality and originality - qualities intrinsic to the MAC brand.

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