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These days launching a perfume goes hand in hand with being a big time celebrity. After all, you can't expect to be a decent movie star if you don't have your own perfume. Even Donald Trump has a cologne (tacky packaging not withstanding). Some perfumes are very nice. Others not so much.

Two of our favorite A-listers unfortunately recently launched Stinks. Gwen Steffani's much hyped...
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A Mexican legend tells the story of a child who picked some weeds at the roadside to give to Baby Jesus on Christmas Eve, because he could not afford a gift. This humble gift given in love was acceptable in God's eyes, and when it was brought into the church it blossomed into red and green flowers - a poinsettia and a Christmas miracle.
(Source: Wikipedia)

You want to reach out and give back,...
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Maiden Lane silver metal framed clutch, $45 CAD

There is so much pressure during the holidays to spend money. Not only do you shell out money you may or may not have for gifts for your nearest and dearest, you also end up spending a nice chunk dolling yourself up for all of those inevitable Christmas parties.

Abaeté for Payless Bayley d'Orsay Pump, $60 CAD

The problem with holiday wear is that...
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I was watching NBC's Today Show this morning. They featured a piece called "5 Surprising Bargain-hunting Tips" that I thought were so good, I just had to share them! The best part is, it requires hardly any effort on your part.

1. Getting a big sales pitch in the store, but not sure if it's a good deal? Step away for a moment and dial 1-800-DO-FRUCALL (or search frucall.com) for a quickie...
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She has more shoes than you have underwear. If it came down to a choice between buying groceries or picking up the Louboutins she spotted on sale the other day, she'd eat crackers for a week.

Know that girl? ;)

Shoe Queen... Meet Shoebby! (pronounced shoo-bee)

Shoes never need to battle for closet space again. Forget that old method of taking Polaroids of your shoes and taping them to ugly...
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This delicious recipe is sure to make you rethink your holiday feast menu. Gothamist has butterscotch spareribs on the table!

Inspired by the miso butterscotch pork belly we had at Tailor, these ribs are meatier, heftier, and to our bellies more satisfying than Sam Mason's creation.

Betcha expected a Thanksgiving recipe for us today. Well, our family traditionally goes to Peter...
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Make-up Junkie's Pink Beauty Week wraps up with her fifth installment. Read on for her tips to make pink work for you...

Day 5 of Pink Beauty has arrived which means this is the last day of Pink Beauty Week! I'm a little sad because I've been having so much fun playing with the products and coming up with different...

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Here's a great shopping post from blogger Canadian Beauty, with a not-so-subtle hint.

The only thing worst than getting your hands on a coveted item is when nobody around you even realizes (yes, bold and italicized!) how coveted that item really is and how lucky you are to be holding said item in your possession.

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Blogger Budget Fashionista lives up to her motto: being fashionable for less! Here's her latest find...

Here at The Budget Fashionista, we love nothing more than when our sharp-eyed, stylish readers share their own fabulous budget finds—here, we have a heads-up from Dana Prigge (of The Daily Fashionista), on a totally affordable way to get some Missoni style without dropping a bundle...
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This was just too funny to pass up! GirlPaint has a gift idea for the person in your life who already has everything...

What do Reindeers do in the off-season? Doo-doo, apparently. But of course they poop candy! Deer god (ha ha ha)...another gift for someone who has everything EXCEPT a reindeer that s**** candy.P.S. It's never too soon (or too late) to start your holiday shopping list. P.P...
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