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We could hardly post this one from Epicurious.com without drooling all over the keyboard...

For biscuits
1 3/4 cups all purpose flour
5 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup (1/2 stick) chilled unsalted butter, cut into 1/2 inch cubes
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons chilled whipping cream
1 tablespoon grated orange peel

For berries and cream
3 1-pint baskets...
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Another goodie from WebMD on caring for your hair this summer...

Experts give advice for treating some common summertime hair problems.

Our crowning glory -- and Samson's source of strength -- human hair has long been a fascination and an obsession. What a shame that summer can reduce this glorious body adornment to ruins. What's the worst that can happen -- and how can you "head...
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This is a great article from WebMD...

Summer is a perfect time to improve your health. Here are 8 steps so simple you'll barely notice the effort.

In the warmer, longer, lazier days of summer, the living may not be easy, but your life probably feels less chaotic. Even adults tend to adopt a "school's out!" attitude in summer. That's why this is a perfect time to improve your...
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We had to post this one from ChickAdvisor blogger, ItsAMonkey because we really, really want to see this movie and nearly did this weekend, but the need to lie on the beach was greater...

I watch a lot of movies. A lot. I gots me a bunch o' movie channels with my cable package, and my, do I make great use of them. Thing is, this has made me into a very lazy first-run, get out of the house...
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This one's from blogger sugarshock...

How amazing was the Galliano for Dior show, lovelies? Not only the clothes and glamorously over-the-top makeup (black lipstick and eyebrows up to the hairline, anyone?), but the beautiful choice of models: the runway was peppered with both the seasoned supes such as Linda Evangelista as well as the new girls such as Canada's own Jessica Stam.

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Can't get enough of Oprah? Well, here's one more way to soak up the daytime Queen. As The Budget Fashionista reports, Oprah's opening up her very own store/cafe to sell her merch...

Who: Oprah (do I really need to explain any more?) What: Opening a boutique to sell Oprah branded items and other stuff, right across from her Chicago studio. What the fashion heads say: from StyleDash:...
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Oooh, we love this new palette! Another one from I Am Fashion...

As some of you may realize by now, I'm a bit of an eye shadow palette junky - especially Bobbi Brown ones. It's probably because a) I just can't control myself and my love for eye shadow palettes since they look so pretty and b) BB is the beauty counter I visit most often on account of my eyebrow plucking appointments....
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Another beauty review from ChickAdvisor blogger and beauty expert, Make-Up Junkie...

I've neglected my site for a while and I think it's definitely time for an update don't you? Well, to start off my product review lineup is Estee Lauder's new High Gloss Plump gloss which I'm very excited about! I've never been a huge fan of plumping glosses only because the tingling...
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"Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids which helps protect you from heart disease."

"Limit your intake of seafood, farmed or otherwise, because of dangerous contamination."

Which statement is true? It's no wonder consumers are confused about what to eat, since the guidelines seem to change all the time. On one hand, environmental groups question food safety, and at the other end...
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