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This is right up there for odd, er, "fashion"...We came across an article today about a bikini that develops "malignant moles" on it the longer you are exposed to the sun to encourage/scare you into spending less time in the sun.

Would you wear this for any reason whatsoever?

photo credit: Gizmodo
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Are we the only ones who didn't know Clinton was hopping on the Green train? This is from The Gothamist...

Former president Bill Clinton announced the Clinton Climate Initiative during the C40 Large Cities Climate Summit yesterday. The CCI is an ambitious program to help 15 cities (Bangkok, Berlin, Chicago, Houston, Johannesburg, Karachi, London, Melbourne, Mexico City, Mumbai, New York,...
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Meebo.com, one of our fabulous partners, has launched instant chat rooms so you can chat online with a bunch of your friends at once! We've created our own chat room, which you can participate on from this blog! Fun, fun!
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We were graciously given tickets to this highly technical and unusual ballet production by their promotions company and attended yesterday evening.

Alex couldn't be dragged out when he found out it was the ballet so I brought a good friend of mine who has a huge appreciation for the arts. I wish I could say we liked it. We really wanted to. The musicians were great and the dancers were very...
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Bikini season is almost upon us and are we ready? Most of us still have a little fat to trim, but the regular exercise routine is flagging in the home stretch. What do you do when you hit that rut? It's time to shake things up a little!

We read on msnbc.com about four crazy fitness fads that just might be the jump start your body needs to finish the job.

Laugh 'til it hurts. New York-based
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You know you're too famous when they make tshirts about your latest embarrassment. More about the Paris Hilton jail scandal from The Gothamist...

She's asking her also-famous Governor for a pardon, and will likely get a shortened sentence, but Paris Hilton has some fans rallying for her freedom, too (though we suspect some of these websites are mainly to push merchandise). Seems like...
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This one's from Shopaholics Anonymous...

Has anyone else noticed how hard it is to find cute flats for work? Here are some simple but super cute options to make your business casual outfit a tad more on the comfortable side, while still maintaining your style...

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This is something to consider when buying a new car or for those of you with neices and nephews or young children of your own. This post is from AskPatty.com...

I visited Volvo of Orange County, California this week, one of our AskPatty.com certified female friendly dealerships and met with Joel Dalbo, General Manager. He was still reeling and angry about the deaths of three young children in a...
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Just when we splurged on a new quad of eyeshadows, MAC releases more goodies we now have to buy! This is from Makeup Junkie in Canada...

I know all you M.A.C. addicts have been anxiously awaiting their new summer collection, Strange Hybrid, and now it's here! The colours are like a beautiful summer garden, bright like the flowers in bloom. I never get tired of the bronzey hues but everyone...
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Yesterday I attended the RBK launch of their new Run Easy campaign where all media were invited to "run at the speed of chat".

When I'm asked to try out new products I don't give a hoot about how fabulous the marketing materials are or what brilliant slogan they've come up with, all I care about is the product: Would I buy this or recommend it to my friends? Well, RBK made that REALLY...
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