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I have to be honest with you Chicks, although I love smelling good, I don't have that grand of a perfume collection and have stuck with the same Vanilla scent for as long as I can remember. But since Spring is coming (I feel like the more I say it, the more it will come true) it's time to start adding to my perfume collection, especially since more and more designers are releasing their new Spring... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
The Oscar's were as fabulous and as star studded as always. Like every year we couldn't help but pick up on some of the outrageous fashion and beauty moments that took place on the red carpet and during the show.
Check out our top ten outrageous picks below:
1. Can we talk about how luscious Jared Leto's locks were?

I want his hair, it's perfectly waved and coloured, I'd take a page out... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
Last night's Oscars had some awesome (the selfie that broke Twitter!), weird (John Travolta completely butchering the name of the person he presented) and super low points (some of those montages were a SNOREFEST). Of course, there were really only two reasons why we tuned in: Ellen and the red carpet fashions. Ellen was her usual charming self, but with the exception of a few knockouts, the... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
We did a Cover Girl Battle last week, but the March covers are making their way to news stands and they are MAHJUR enough to deserve another mention. March covers are like the September issue for spring, so yeah - they're kind of a big deal. This week, we're putting three powerhouses against each other, each with a sizzling cover: T Swift on Glamour, Ashley Benson on Cosmo and Riri werkin' Vogue... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
This week, there were three magazine covers that caught my eye, each for different reasons. Dakota Johnson graced Elle and yeah, I know what you're thinking - who? While Miley bared all, like ALL for W and lastly, Kristen Stewart scowled on Marie Claire. Obviously, we need to discuss this.

We broke each cover down for it's pros and cons and we need your input. Let us know which cover you... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
So, you don't have any plans for V Day? No special date at the moment? Well, it is overrated anyways. I mean, yeah I guess it's fun to have a romantic dinner, but when you're unattached on Valentine's Day, the world is your oyster! You have all the possibilities at your finger tips and thought they may not admit it, committed relationship ladies are green with envy. To start you off on your... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
Beyonce stole the show at this year’s Grammy and it wasn’t just because of that jaw dropping performance with her hubby Jay Z that opened up the show. She walked the red carpet at the 2014 Grammy Awards rocking a new short do .
Bey styled her short blonde crop into a curly bob, completing it with a smoky eye and a classic red lip. Can I just say that she looked amazing? Lady can wear... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
Award season has just started and my obsession with how cool my imaginary best friend Jennifer Lawrence is has gone through the roof. You know that every red carpet is an opportunity for J Law to put her foot in her mouth and we cannot get enough of it. Her ability to be both unbelievably awkward and unbelievably charming makes her my top choice for BFF. I'm pretty sure we’d have a ball... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
To Tommy Hilfiger,
You just made my day. Here’s how:
Zooey Deschanel is possibly one of my favorite actresses. She’s stunning, super funny and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her on the worst dressed list, like ever. If you’re like me and admire her blast from the past style sense then, Tommy Hilfiger has a surprise for you! Tommy is teaming up with... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
You don’t know who Jen Selter is? Well your boyfriends might. I didn’t either until I found her on my Instagram news feed last night, and then continued to creep all 342 of her posts. Jen Selter is a fitness fanatic from New York, known for her Instagram selfies. @JenSelter now has over 1.8million followers on Instagram, 188,182 Twitter followers and 558406 likes on Facebook.
What makes her so Continue Reading