ChickAdvisor Team's Archive

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There's never enough time in the mornings, is there? On many occasions I'm rushing out the door clenching a half-unwrapped granola bar between my teeth while shrugging into my jacket and clutching/dropping a million things.

Carnation Breakfast Essentials is a just-add-milk easy kind of way to start your morning and features:
  • 15 g of protein*
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This article was updated on January 9, 2017

Recently, 150 of our members had the privilege of trying Dove’s brand-new Shower Foam series in three indulgent varieties:
  • Dove Shower Foam Deep Moisture Foaming Body Wash (read reviews)
  • Dove Shower Foam Cucumber & Green Tea Scent Foaming Body Wash (read reviews)
  • Dove Shower Foam Shea Butter...
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Pure Leaf is already a Tea Lover's choice thanks to their iced tea beverages, and now it's time to introduce you to their brand new line of hot teas!

300 Canadian women from our Product Review Club will get the opportunity to try an assortment of Pure Leaf teas:
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 Updated on March 5, 2018: ChickAdvisor Premium is now closed! 

If you're reading this post, then you've already heard the amazing news about #ChickAdvisorPremium! Since this is a brand new offer from us, we know you have questions. Without further ado:

What is ChickAdvisor Premium?
Our Premium Members will get priority for ChickAdvisor's Product Review Club.  A percentage...
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We are so excited to announce an exclusive and NEW ChickAdvisor program: ChickAdvisor Premium.

What is it?
Think of ChickAdvisor Premium like ShowCase and ShopCrawl combined but open to everyone across Canada, for the cost of one latte a month. 

How it's like ShowCase
Just for signing up, each of you will get a welcome gift which is a custom...
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We're in the midst of putting on one of our favourite events (#ChickAdvisorShowCase), recently celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving, and the holidays are almost upon us. All of these wonderful things are giving us the warm and fuzzies (might be the Pumpkin Spice Lattes too), so we thought we'd show our appreciation of you guys, our members, by giving you a last-minute contest just in time for early...
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 Join us in congratulating these great brands for their top-ranked Beauty, Wellness, and Food products based on your reviews posted in 2016! 

Why does this matter? In our most recent Annual Member Survey, over 90% of our users said they purchased a product because of reviews they read on ChickAdvisor. In another recent Member Survey, almost 90% of users said they would be reluctant to buy...
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Recently, we sent out the exciting announcement that our highly anticipated ChickAdvisor ShowCase is coming in Fall 2016. Tickets are still available for Montreal!

We spoilered about the posh hotel setting, the refined high tea menu, and the fantastic brands with whom we're partnering this year. Now it's time to let you know what you'll be experiencing!

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It's true: ChickAdvisor's ShowCase is coming this fall to three of Canada's favourite destinations! If you had the pleasure of joining us last time in Toronto, Montreal, or Vancouver, you know this event is one of our very best. 

What is ShowCase? Think of it as High Tea meets the Product Review Club! Gorgeous world-class hotel venues with exquisite food and beverages, a live DJ, and of...
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J’ai une confession à vous faire : au magasin, je laisse à mon nez le soin de me guider dans le choix d’un shampooing et d’un revitalisant. Pour moi, la journée commence toujours bien quand j’utilise des produits aux parfums qui me plaisent. Mais au-delà du plaisir sous la douche, la raison première qui me pousse à choisir des...
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