Eyes, Lips, Face Articles

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When you work for a beauty review website, you get the (very lucky) opportunity to try out a bunch of different beauty products. Once you finish a product, there's always another one that comes along. My job also includes constantly researching to see what's new on the horizon and what I can look forward to next. Confession: I actually spend more on beauty now than I ever have before. I...
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It's a new week but it's the same old here at ChickAdvisor because we're back yet again with two amazing contests and two glorious prize packs! While we can't tell you what's in each prize pack, we can tell you that each one is worth about C$40.00. Pretty sweet, eh?

So, if you'd like to snag one of these prize packs all you've got to do is enter in our weekly...
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I've been compiling shopping lists of new and amazing beauty products for you to try every week, and I've been following my own advice. With all the new products that I've been trying lately, I'll admit that I've been a bad makeup owner. A lot of my beauty products that may be oldies but goodies have been long forgotten. It's definitely easy to get caught up in what's...
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New York Fashion Week has once again come and gone in a whirlwind and left us with a heck of a lot of exhausted models and a ton of gorgeous beauty trends to inspire us. 

In fact, so many gorgeous trends that to go through every single one would probably leave us with a strong desire to never look at another eyeliner again. And that would be a shame (though maybe not for our wallets). So...
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I get a bit giddy when I think about the approaching spring season. While it may be chilly outside, it's all springtime warmness in my head and heart. 

Changing up your signature scent as the weather does, is only fitting. As the weather gets warmer and the flowers start to bloom, perfumes should become lighter with more floral and fruity tones. So with spring headed our way, I thought it...
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My, oh my! What do we have in store for you chicks this week? Well, I can't tell you. I know. Boo me. 

We want to keep you on your toes and we like to think that the anticipation of finding out what you could win is kind of fun! 

So, while we won't tell you exactly what is in each prize pack, we will tell you that each one is worth approx. C$40.00. 

How can you get...
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(image via makeupbag.tumblr.com

The beauty world is way too awesome right now! So much so, that I want to make a beeline for the nearest beauty counter and snap up one of everything. Tell me I'm not the only one who gets a secret thrill from seeing new beauty products just waiting to be tried out? Oh! Sends a shiver up my spine just thinking about it. 

To get you going, I have 5...
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CA HQ has been hit by the nicknamed 'snowmageddon', so we've been trying to keep cozy warm by staying inside and avoiding the outdoors at all costs. The only downside to this is that perpetual snow days mean watching Dr.Phil and Here Comes Honey Boo Boo episodes over and over and while I unapologetically love me some Honey Boo Boo, this can get a bit boring. 

If you're in the...
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There are two reasons for this Review of the Week: It's Valentine's Day, so obviously we need to start prepping our lips for some smooches. Secondly, it's crazy cold/windy/dry/snowy out, so my lips are chapped and I would love to try out some new suggestions.

So, we need your lip balm reviews. But, there's also something in it for you. This week, when you review a lip balm, you will automatically...
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Pucker up, ladies! It's one week until V Day and in the spirit of Valentine's, we decided to put together a round up of the hottest shades of reds, pinks, corals and everything in between for your sexiest pout yet. So take a gander at our bevy of gorgeous hues to find the perfect match for love day! 

Pro Tip #1: To make your lip colour more pigmented, opaque and last longer, first...
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