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Eyes, Lips, Face Articles

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Because the weather changes so drastically here in the summer, I always feel like it's the perfect time to take a look at some of the products and pieces I'm using. I re-evaluate whether or not they're working for me and if not, I toss them aside and get ready to experiment a bit to find something that works even better. This is true when it comes to my beauty routine, my...
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Ali de Bold Skincare Routine

I'd like to say that since becoming a Mom my skincare regimen has simplified, but that would be a lie.  Despite having less time to take care of my skin, I'm using a lot more products these days.  Since my boy is both a night owl and an early bird, I don't get a lot of sleep and it shows. I need all the help I can get from serums, eye creams and moisturizers.  I have...
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A while back, I wrote an article about how to lose weight. I mentioned how much I dislike the act of jogging. I'm convinced jogging is an evil conspiracy by running shoe companies. Despite my dislike for exercise, I still force myself to do it. It's not easy but it helps me focus and keep my thoughts on track. 

One of the most irritating things about working out is that it causes
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It's about a billion degrees here in Toronto today. Saying that it's hot is an understatement. Despite the heat, I'm still trucking along and trying to keep my cool. Especially when it comes to my beauty routine. If you're like me and are having trouble keeping that makeup from melting and that hair from frizzing, check out our beach beauty routine article with tons of tips, tricks...
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This past weekend, we Canadians celebrated Canada Day with a long weekend. The weather was on our side and the sun was blazing the entire weekend. Now, if you're smart, when you see the sun beating down on you at the beach, you layer on the sunscreen like it's going out of style. However, if you're like me (Alexandra), you think to yourself, 'Naw, I don't think I need any...
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With the warm weather in full force, what better way to cool off than going to the beach. Of course, a trip to the beach is never as simple as throwing a suit and towel into a bag. There's your makeup, your skin and your hair to think of! The wind, sun, and humidity can melt your makeup or give your hair a bad case of the frizzies. That's why we're here! We have a whole whack of...
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Name: Nora
Alias: Nora Borealis
You can spot me by my: blonde hair, pale skin, red lips, matching bike, and uniform of oversized Breton stripe tops with straight-leg jeans.

I like to be busy; overly busy, if I can be. I’m happiest when I have too many places to be and not enough time to do everything, so I’m committed to a life where a typical week includes a delightfully unpredictable...
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(image via nomoredirtylooks.com

When a beauty product is endorsed by Cleopatra herself, you know it's going to be good. Which is why I'm anticipating this edition of Beauty Detective where I'm investigating... Milk! Sounds more farm detective than beauty detective but milk used as a toner or in a bath has been a beauty secret of women for a long time. Queen Elizabeth...
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Another week is upon us which means we have two brand new contests and two fabulous new prize packs for you! Are you excited chicks? Because you should be! 

You're probably thinking to yourself, 'com'on now, get on with the prizes, would ya?'. So, without further ado, I present you our two prize packs for this week: 

Mary Kay Lash Love Waterproof Mascara in I Love...
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Last week, Miranda showed off some of her summer style and the week before, I posed off in my own casual weekend fashion. This week, we're tossing it up a bit with a summer makeup lookbook! I wanted to give you a taste of what I would wear on an everyday basis during the summer months and also show you how I put to use some of the beauty practices we've been chatting about lately.
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