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Eyes, Lips, Face Articles

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I have one very dirty little secret when it comes to my beauty routine: I rarely clean my brushes. It's kind of embarrassing to admit. I'm not sure if this makes a difference but I swear I'm not a dirty gross person you guys, I'm just super lazy when it comes to that sort of thing.

I confess that I know that I should clean my brushes (and I'm sure Mandy will chastise me over and...
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I'm a self-proclaimed beauty/skincare junkie so I am always on the hunt for that perfect product. Unfortunately, my skin is quite sensitive so it's a challenge to find products that perform well and don't aggravate my skin. I've tried countless of products and though I'm still looking for that miracle worker, I've found a routine that works for me. 

I'll go through...
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Hello Chicks! If you're off this Monday for a long weekend then sit back, relax and enjoy it! Maybe with some contests and prizes? And, even if you're still working away this Monday, then what better way to give yourself a little treat than to enter in some awesome contests? 

We have two super duper cool prize packs this week that are sure to incite jealousy and you could be one of our...
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Thick and voluminous lashes open up your eyes, making your eyes larger and making them the focal point of your face. Of course, we aren't all born with that 'doe eyed, Kim K' look. Sometimes, we need help. That's why we are in love with false lashes this week! False lashes are the perfect final touch. Because you can find them in different styles and sizes, you can go...
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I've mentioned before that I've been aiming to treat my body a little better lately by eating lots of nutritious snacks. I won't lie, it's been difficult. But I will admit that so far, I've actually been able to see some of the results of my healthy eating. I feel more energetic throughout the day and I've also noticed how much brighter my complexion is. This...
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My name is Alexandra and I have oily, acne prone skin. Well, that's a sentence I never thought I would string together for all to see willingly. But hey, it's true and I am not alone. There was recently a forum dedicated to skincare routines and we thought it might be helpful for us staffers to go through our own skincare routines and let you know what works for us and each of our specific...
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How are all you lovely chicks doing today? I don't know about you, but I think Garfield had it right about Mondays: they're the worst. To make Monday a little easier, we have something I like to call, Monday Won-Day! 

This means that we have two wonderful and new contests along with two incredible prizes. So, what contests are we talking about and how can you get it on the fun? 

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Tell me if this scenario sounds familiar: 

You've just splurged and purchased yourself a fancy new blush, bronzer or powder foundation. The packaging is pristine, the compact is still smooth and it almost looks too good to use. Then again, you really, really, really want to play around with your new beauty toy so you go ahead and dip your brush in. Only, your hand isn't as steady as...
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It's spring time and this weather has got me in an amazing mood. The sun is out, I can start wearing my cute spring shoes and I've started mentally planning my next BBQ party. To celebrate all the fabulousness that this season has to offer, we have two prizes to give away this week! 

These prizes ain't nothing to sneeze at either! Want to know what they are?

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Prom is a special event in anyone's life. But faded makeup, an oily nose or a chapped lips can ruin anyone's night. Plus while you're dancing up a storm, you're going to need a few tricks up your sleeve to help your makeup stay put! So we have come up with a few products to help you look and feel your best throughout the night. 

1. Yves Saint Laurent Volupte Sheer Candy (US$30...
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