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Eyes, Lips, Face Articles

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Pink lipstick is definitely a hot ticket item, just ask Ms. Nicki Minaj. While Nicki pulls off the bright pinks with ease, we were a little apprehensive about trying this look out. However, with a little experimentation to find the right shade for each skin tone, we think we're working the pink lips just in time for Valentine's Day. You might also notice a newer face here, we invited back...
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Having oily skin, whenever I hear the words 'glisten, sheen or dewey', I cringe inside. I'm not alone, there are always chicks looking for advice on how to deal with oily skin. While doing some clever internet googling, I came across a bizarre remedy I had never heard of before: using milk of magnesia as a primer to reduce oil and shine. 

On the scale of Preparation H to Peptol...
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Length or Volume? Cream or powder? Matte or Shine? These are the pressing beauty questions that keep us up at night.

Luckily, we're here to make your decisions a little easier by giving well deserved shout-outs to the top beauty products on ChickAdvisor as reviewed by you - our members! It's the ChickAdvisor Reviewers' Choice Awards, and this special Beauty Edition features the face, body,...
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If you've never heard of Preparation H before or are unaware of what it is designed for, brace yourselves. 

Preparation H is an ointment used to treat hemorrhoids. However, we will not be playing 'Mythbusters' with that remedy today (phew!).  It's another, much wilder beauty remedy we're testing out - a trick that some actresses and models reportedly use to banish...
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Like my lipgloss? I call it, 'The Alexandra'- it's one of my favourite colours and it's the perfect shade for me. How did I get such a fabulous and unique tinted balm? I DIY'd it of course!

Earlier this week we tested using old eyeshadows and pigments to create a one-of-a-kind nail polish, and now I'm going to show you how to easily create a tinted balm. It's another...
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I have a secret: I am a huge make up hoarder. I have buckets of lipsticks, powders and eyeliners from years past (which I am fairly certain means they are expired). For reasons beyond me, I also keep every single eyeshadow I have ever been given or bought, whether I use them or not. Whether it's the unwearable glitter shadow I bought on a whim or the multiple crushed shadows I dropped on...
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Pantone's colour for 2012 was recently announced as Tangerine Tango; since being introduced to the colour, we've gone bananas for tangerine! First we tried it out on our nails and loved the results! We also dug up a few options for tangerine makeup but weren't sure if this look was actually wearable... so we decided to Pose Off in Tangerine by experimenting with different shades...
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Pantone recently released their top colour pick for 2012- a bold orange hue called 'Tangerine Tango'. We tried it out with some nail art and loved the results! Continuing our list of the top ways you can rock tangerine, we have some makeup that is sure to pack a punch! These shades are bright and eye catching- not for the faint of heart but done correctly make a fabulous...
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In all honesty, when I first heard about Pepto Bismol being used as blush, I was a little put off. Then again, beauty guru Michelle Phan makes a mean Kitty Litter Face Mask, so could it really get any weirder than that? 

Since I'll try anything once, I thought I'd do a little experimenting of my own. I've never used Pepto Bismol before (especially not on my face), so I was...
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All the holiday festivities' got you and your skin beat? Here are a few tips and tricks from us to you to help you look rested and refreshed (even after a long night out! Thank us later).

Rev Up Your Complexion with these Bad Boys

All the late nights, sodium loaded goodness and alcohol can really dehydrate your overall complexion during the holidays. To get rid of dry and flaky lips, try a lip...
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