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Some people are gaga for donuts, others for chocolatey treats, but give me a good old fashioned pie any day of the week.
There's just one problem: I'm terrible with deciding which kind to bake. That's why when I saw this "Split Decision" pie plate, I immediately put it on my Amazon wish list and spammed my husband's email with this happy piece of Christmas gifting intel.

This... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
When I was a child, it was well known that parents had the right to 5% of your Halloween candy. It was like a tax. A fee for them taking you out for the night. No, I wasn't happy about it, but it wasn't up for discussion.
Now, I suggest that those of you with children (if you haven't already done so) totally put the 'candy fee' into practice. I mean, they can't finish... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
If Jessica Biel's pink wedding is anything to go by, the coloured wedding dress is going to be hot next season. This got us thinking, if the non-traditional dress is gaining popularity, is this a sign of what's to come for spring wedding trends?
One of the places that you can get most creative in your wedding is the cake. So, why not show off your unique style with a... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
With all the foodie talk I do, it shouldn't be a surprise that I love delicious food. Because food and I are so tight, I eat out a lot. It's a fun adventure for me! I love trying new things and there is nothing more satisfying for me than checking off a restaurant on my 'To Try' list. The only problem with this is that it can get pretty pricey.
It occurred to me that if I... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
Mushroom risotto is an item that's been on my 'taste test list' for a while. Intrigued by all the just add water risotto mixes that are available on grocery store shelves, I wondered if it's really that much easier than making risotto from scratch. Risotto is actually not that difficult to make, but it does require constant stirring towards the end and has to be eaten right away.... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
What would fall be without the pumpkin? For one thing, it's an integral part of the epic meal that is Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving wouldn't be right without pumpkin pie. Pumpkins also happen to be a part of one of my favourite holidays: Halloween! Plus, would Halloween even have the same effect if Jack O' Lanterns didn't exist? Because the pumpkin is such a huge part of the... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus basContinue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas

I mentioned last week, that over the course of my trip to Orlando, I had fallen in love with southern sweet tea. Here in Canada, sweet tea isn't as big of a thing as it is in the U.S. And let me just say, you Americans are lucky people. Sweet tea is so tasty and delicious. Though it may seem like a beverage geared more towards summer, when something is this good, I completely defy... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
Boo! We're only a few weeks away from one of my favourite holidays: Halloween!
I love Halloween because it's awesome for both adults and children (and adult-children like myself who refuse to grow up). While the kids are overdosing on sugar, I think you should sit back, relax and pour yourself a Halloween inspired cocktail.

1. Blood-Orange Cocktails
1 1/2 cups fresh blood-orange... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
For us Canadian chicks, Thanksgiving is only a few days away and I for one, am dreaming of all the delicious holiday goodness. Putting on my stretchy pants and eating as much as possible is probably one of my favourite activities. However, no matter how much I manage to pack away, each year we're always left with a mountain of leftovers.
Usually, my Thanksgiving aftermath meal of choice... Continue Reading