Health + Wellness Articles

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AskPatty investigates airbag safety...

A lot of people believe that the typical seat belts and airbags are enough to save their lives, but is that really true? With all the technology available today, car makers are coming up with better ways to develop safety....

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Every now and then we'll come across something like this:

"Wow, I don't think I've ever found a more stereotypical site. One giant step backwards for feminism..."

Being talked about is a good thing, even in light of a comment like that so we're hardly offended.

But seriously.

Why are we so easily offended when it comes to:

The color pink ~ shame on the Breast Cancer Think Pink people;
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Another timely reminder (with the holidays approaching!) from blogger Fabulously Broke in the City about spending habits. Think of how much you stress about your financial situation, and how that stress affects your health. Time to take a step back and relearn some lessons our parents already know.

A very well written article by John Caspar of And it comes at quite an opportune time......
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Though we hate to admit it, Cold and Flu season is slowly creeping in. We got a polite reminder of this via two packages that recently arrived: Kiss My Face's Cold & Flu Bath & Shower Gel and J.R Watkins Medicated Ointment for aches and pains.

Yes, it really is that time of the year again.

We grudgingly opened the ointment and the shower gel and took a whiff: yup, smells like menthol!
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Here's a great article from WebMD about the importance of getting enough sleep ... and we're not just talking about 'beauty sleep' here.

A new study shows that sleep deprivation is linked to a disconnect in the part of the brain responsible for keeping emotions under control.

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We all understand that stress plays a huge role in our health and emotional wellness, whether family, career, romantic or financial problems. Blogger Fabulously Broke in the City has some basic yet crucial tips for surviving financial woes ...

Just like my post on taking baby steps towards learning how to put on makeup, these are small, manageable towards taking charge of your finances.

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Apparently hearing, not seeing, is believing - at least according to WebMD. Another reason to keep your water-cooler chats as truthful as possible, because let's face it, you're not going to stop altogether ...

People are more likely to act on what they hear through gossip than what they see with their own eyes, researchers say.

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"I need some tips on how I could save or raise more money for a wedding. My man and I are already saving up for a downpayment for a condo - and I realize that by the time we have a condo, there will be no money for a wedding. We plan on paying this wedding by ourselves. But we have a couple barriers to saving more money - we both have a lot of student debt, and we can't receive financial help...
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A great post from blogger Fabulously Broke in the City about love...

I read an article in the Globe and Mail today about love and whether or not love/marriage was a contract that others entered into. Which I think, in some ways is. But it just got me thinking.. why DO we fall in love with the people that we do?

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Ask Patty has a great story for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. And here we thought only the Mary Kay ladies drove pink cars ...

We received a great comment from a reader on the recent 'October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!' blog. A. Freeman told us she is 'the proud owner of a 2008 Pink Warrior Mustang that I bought at Lafayette Ford in...

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