Health + Wellness Articles

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2 nights ago I had a dream about Leonardo DiCaprio. Nothing raunchy, we were just chillin' ;) The next morning, I told Alex about it over breakfast. He laughed at me and said, "Oh, he's not your type."


Today, no joke in my personal email I received an email from "Leonardo DiCaprio". I assumed it was spam but opened it anyway just because I thought it was a funny coincidence. It...
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With summer in full swing, grocery stores are packed with some of the best produce you'll find all year. Eating those fruits and veggies in season provide the maximum benefit in nutrition and taste compared to imported or canned goods.

You might be surprised how valuable a single serving of certain summer fruits are, for example:
-1 cup of strawberries has 3 grams of fibre and more Vitamin C and...
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Peacefully, on Sunday July 15th, at the age of 13 months, after a short struggle with a firmware update, my dear MacBook passed away of total hard drive failure. This came after a long string of health issues including complete battery failure, faulty dirty casing, and a dysfunctional power cable. MacBook is survived by her owner, Ali, and her uncle, MacBook Pro, who resides with Alex.

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We found this article on WebMD and thought it was fascinating. For those of you who don't know your blood type, you should find out - not just for the sake of this article, but it is good to know. A definite good read...

The Eat Right for Your Type diet encourages people to eat certain foods and avoid others based on their blood type -- A, B, AB, or O.

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This is an ongoing debate for the single set that probably won't end any time soon. We recently came across a blog post on this issue and it prompted us to write our own response. Luckily for you, we think we have it figured out. We’ll make it really simple:

It is in a man’s nature to enjoy the whole pursue and conquer thing. They like to woo you and eventually win you over....
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Thanks a million to ChickAdvisor Member, Spotty, who gave us a jump start on getting our new smaller blog badges made!

We realize some of you prefer to spread the ChickAdvisor love using less pixels than our other badges. You will find the code for these on our blog page and can put them anywhere on your blog or website.

Every time you do that, it helps us grow and we love you for it!

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This is a great article from WebMD...

Summer is a perfect time to improve your health. Here are 8 steps so simple you'll barely notice the effort.

In the warmer, longer, lazier days of summer, the living may not be easy, but your life probably feels less chaotic. Even adults tend to adopt a "school's out!" attitude in summer. That's why this is a perfect time to improve your...
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We had to post this one from ChickAdvisor blogger, ItsAMonkey because we really, really want to see this movie and nearly did this weekend, but the need to lie on the beach was greater...

I watch a lot of movies. A lot. I gots me a bunch o' movie channels with my cable package, and my, do I make great use of them. Thing is, this has made me into a very lazy first-run, get out of the house...
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Some sad news about Liz Claiborne, a women's wear icon and entrepreneur. Today she passed away at the age of 78 from cancer.

Aside from her contributions to fashion, she was also the first woman to have a company listed in the Fortune 500, with Claiborne Inc in 1985.

Thank you Spotty for sharing this news.
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This one's from WebMD about a risk at the beach you probably haven't thought of. We're wondering who these crazies are that dig these ginormous holes in the first place, but if that happens to be you and your friends, you need to read up...

New research shows that digging sand holes can be risky because the sand may collapse in on diggers.

In the past decade, there have been...
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