Health + Wellness Articles

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By: Mamaluv

When it comes to stretch marks, most of us have heard at least one of the following statements:

(To a pregnant friend) “My aunt rubbed olive oil on her tummy and didn’t get any stretch marks.”

“I don’t want to ever be pregnant because I don’t want stretch marks.”

“If you’re not overweight, you won’t get stretch marks.”

Sorry to burst your bubble, ladies, but it’s...
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We thought this was pretty funny. Fellow blogger and ChickAdvisor member Karmacake dreams up her perfect Canadian Male Archetype...

I got tagged by a fellow blogger with the daunting task to outline the top five qualities of the archetypal Canadian male.

Let's rephrase that:The Archetypal Canadian Male as Dreamed up by Karmacake. It's really important that I'm honest with the world...
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If you needed one more reason to quit smoking, here is an article from about how cigarettes have become more deadly than ever.

Nicotine levels in cigarettes rose 11% from 1998 to 2005, according to a Harvard School of Public Health analysis.

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An interesting article on webmd about caffeine reducing post workout muscle pain.

A new study suggests drinking the equivalent of two cups of coffee before exercise may reduce post-workout muscle pain by nearly 50%.

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Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas analysis the new study about breast density being linked to cancer

Among women 40 and older, denser breasts may mean greater breast cancer risk, a new study shows.

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“Love doesn’t conquer all, especially when it comes to snoring.”

I recently posted in my blog that I have been losing sleep to the snoring roaring beast that takes over my husband’s airways every night. I was so touched by all of you who offered helpful advice and passed on links to me. Thank you!

My friend McKchick passed on an article this morning called 7 Secrets for Sleeping in Peace by...
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Ebeauty daily examines the importance of wearing sunscreen in the winter.

How are you doing on your resolutions? One week into the New Year and I am pretty pleased at my staying ability, I must say. Many of my resolutions in the past haven’t made it this long. Ha!

One thing you might have forgotten, if you are in a place where it is bright and sunny and cold as ice, is sunscreen. My skin...
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AskPatty has some advice on helping us NOT get screwed over by the auto-mechanic. This is a must read.

Scams of disreputable service centers contain one or both of two elements: (1) Charging you for work that was
never done, or (2) Convincing you of the need for unnecessary and often
overpriced repairs.

Here are four different types of scams you could run into
and ways to avoid them:
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10-things-your-gym-wont-tell-you.jpeg 10 Things Your Gym Won't Tell You

One of the most common New Year's Resolutions is to get back in shape. That's why January is the busiest month of the year at your local fitness center. But before you sign on the dotted line, there's a few things you should know about the facility, the staff and the contract.

MSN article 10 Things Your Gym Won't Tell You is a wealth of...
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Betcha never worked out like this before! Flirty Girl Fitness offers fun and sexy ways to get fit including pole dancing, belly dancing, Salsalicious, MTV Choreography, Striptease and many more.

Don't worry, it's for girls only and we guarantee it will be a good workout.

Wanna try? If you live in the Toronto area, for a limited time Flirty Girl Fitness is offering a free first time class...

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