Health Articles

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Teens who don't skip breakfast eat a healthier diet overall and may have a lower risk of obesity, researchers say.

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This is crazy.

Sunbathing is out.
Self-tanner and tinted beauty products are in, but only when it's done right (and that's the problem).
'Fake bake' is definitely out.
Looking pale is supposed to be in, but really - it's not.
Sunlight is good for you, Sunlight is bad for you.

I'm confused.

Our society is hung up on the latest trends, but slowly we are returning to our parents'...
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It turns out that forty winks gets you more than just beauty, according to WebMD...

Daytime naps may boost memory by giving the brain a chance to consolidate new knowledge, City University of New York researchers report.

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After years of hearing all sorts of bad news (anecdotally as well as from professionals), it's nice to hear some good news for longtime Pill poppers for once. WebMD's got the details...

Birth-control pills cut women's risk of ovarian cancer for 30+ years after they stop taking them - giving the pill a net anticancer effect.

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Many women still don't know that heart disease is the leading cause of death, not cancer. Read up on this important topic, including this article from WebMD...

Scientists have found seven new cholesterol genes, which may make good targets for new cholesterol drugs.

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The marketing folks at Coca-Cola have unveiled their latest offering: a Diet Coke with ... vitamins and minerals.

Yes, you read that right! This new, more nutritious (?) Diet Coke Plus includes 15% of your recommended daily intake of niacin, vitamins B6 and B12, and 10% RDI of zinc and magnesium.

"We wanted to take the convenience of the #1 low-calorie beverage in the world and combine it with...
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Fit nonsmokers who drink moderately and eat five fruits and vegetables daily cut 14 years off their chronological age, a British study shows.

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Recalled toys, unsafe food, bad bugs, a new stem cell source, and an over-the-counter weight loss drug top WebMD's 10 top stories of 2007.

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Thanks to The Cozy Chicks for posting a link to this disturbing story on their blog.

Think the glasses in your hotel room are safe to drink from? Apparently not. Watch this video before you pour yourself a drink on your next hotel stay. Ewww!
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These bottles have been sitting in the Hotlist's Top Ten for months. Read up on the love Nalgene is getting from our members.

We've been chatting in our site forum recently about Vancouver-based Mountain Equipment Co-op's (a.k.a. MEC) decision to yank some of the popular Nalgene water bottles from its shelves. So far, MEC is the only major retailer to do so. The action only applies to...
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