Health Articles

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Stress - most of us struggle with it daily and see how it affects our health. Simplifying your life helps, and organizing what can't be deep-sixed is what blogger Fabulously Broke is talking about today...

You know how you get into work and you know you have a TON to do, but you just can't remember WHAT it was you had to do?

How do you cope with that?

For me, my system so far, has...
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Some great pointers from beauty blogger eBeautyDaily...

I have done everything in the world but blog this week, eh? It sure feels like it! I spotted this today at Mark’s Daily Apple - a wonderful list of the 10 rules of aging well - check out Mark’s wonderful commentary, and think about how many of these you have under control.

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We all know the effects of stress are virtually unlimited and can wreak havoc on everything from your skin and hair to your weight, your nerves and relationships. According to WebMD, it can also negatively impact you mouth. A gross but worthy read...

Too much stress may lead to gum disease, report researchers in the Journal of Periodontology.

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Enduring the summer without air conditioning can seriously put a damper on enjoying the gorgeous summer weather. We should know - our air conditioner broke 3 weeks ago. Luckily we have been inventive dealing with the heat and have managed to survive - nay - enjoy the hot weather without losing productivity.

You'd be surprised how many free open wireless networks can be found on a Starbucks...
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See? We told you. Another study with new health benefits from drinking coffee. We wonder if any of the poor mice involved in this study suffer like we do. Interesting information anyway. This one's from WebMD...

A new study shows the combination of caffeine and regular exercise appears to help kill some of the precancerous cells damaged by the sun's ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation.

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This is a great article from WebMD...

Summer is a perfect time to improve your health. Here are 8 steps so simple you'll barely notice the effort.

In the warmer, longer, lazier days of summer, the living may not be easy, but your life probably feels less chaotic. Even adults tend to adopt a "school's out!" attitude in summer. That's why this is a perfect time to improve your...
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This one's from WebMD about a risk at the beach you probably haven't thought of. We're wondering who these crazies are that dig these ginormous holes in the first place, but if that happens to be you and your friends, you need to read up...

New research shows that digging sand holes can be risky because the sand may collapse in on diggers.

In the past decade, there have been...
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Hmmm, this does not sound good. This one from The Gothamist is a must read for those of us into organic food...

The USDA may relax standards for organic foods, and allow 38 different spices, colorings and other nonorganic ingredients to be included in foods labeled organic, according to the LA Times. Organic food advocates are seeking to stop this action, calling it a blow to the organic...
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If you live in the New York area, you'll appreciate this tip from GirlPaint...

WHO: face to face nyc day spa & a board certified dermatologist from St Vincent's Hospital

WHAT: FREE 10-Minute Skin Cancer Screening

WHEN: Monday June 25th, from 5-8pm (By Appointment Only, Call 212-633-0404)

WHERE: 20 West 20th St, Ste 603

WHY: According to the American Cancer Society, skin...
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This is something to consider when buying a new car or for those of you with neices and nephews or young children of your own. This post is from

I visited Volvo of Orange County, California this week, one of our certified female friendly dealerships and met with Joel Dalbo, General Manager. He was still reeling and angry about the deaths of three young children in a...
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