Health Articles

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While you may think you're the smartest sunbather south of the border, according to, while many of you are practicing safe tanning, some of you are gambling with dangerous sun exposure. If you live in Washington, carry on, lovelies. But if you are in Chicago you need to read on.

Washington, D.C. is the smartest U.S. city about sun exposure; Chicago ranks last of 32 locales, says...
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It's A Monkey always makes us laugh with her quirky posts and anecdotes. This is a short one, but funny - and fitting for sick season.

Current illness count on my team at work: 7/9. Those two non-ill people? Amoungst them, me. In order to bring up the energy in the room, I have fallen back into the role of manically energetic fool. Today, when I came to the conclusion that it's more...
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According to WebMD, Certain antioxidant supplements slightly increase a person's chance of death. And for that matter, taking Vitamin C does nothing for you either.

A new detailed analysis of human studies of beta-carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin E shows that people who take these antioxidant supplements don't live any longer than those who don't take them. In fact, those who take...

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If you needed one more reason to quit smoking, here is an article from about how cigarettes have become more deadly than ever.

Nicotine levels in cigarettes rose 11% from 1998 to 2005, according to a Harvard School of Public Health analysis.

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For those of you with small children, this is a must read.

Giving cough and cold medications to children under age 2 years can be dangerous, even deadly, according to a new investigation conducted by the CDC.

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An interesting article on webmd about caffeine reducing post workout muscle pain.

A new study suggests drinking the equivalent of two cups of coffee before exercise may reduce post-workout muscle pain by nearly 50%.

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Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas analysis the new study about breast density being linked to cancer

Among women 40 and older, denser breasts may mean greater breast cancer risk, a new study shows.

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smaller-hands.jpegBy: Mamaluv

A cancer that is caused by a virus. Did you know about this? I was shocked to hear, and so I took it upon myself to spread the word.

Cervical cancers the word, and the primary cause is HPV, Human papillomavirus. Yearly almost 6 million women in the US are infected with this virus, 10,000 will develop cervical cancer and over 3,700 will die of this disease. HPV is an STD; the American...
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coffee.jpg"Have a cup of tea. That'll make you feel better."

Granny was right; tea really is good for your health! But who knew it was a legitimate stress buster too? A new study in London suggests that drinking black tea helps reduce stress and promotes relaxation. According to, researchers determined that black tea drinkers were able to de-stress more quickly and had lower levels of the...
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