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My name is Claire, and for 2013 I resolve to Stop Cutting My Own Hair.

Some people experiment for fun while others rebel with punkish pique against personal and societal expectations.  For years my excuse was that the mister and I were broke students living off of love and Ramen noodles. 

That was a long time ago, and yet I still occasionally feel the urge to trim a little of this or chop...
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Fact #1: I love shopping. 

Fact #2: I love getting a great deal. 

Fact #3: I hate crowds. 

Malls (especially on Boxing Day, nay, Week) are places of craziness that I avoid. The line ups and packed stores are too daunting. Just the thought of waiting in a hot store with my bulky winter jacket makes me cringe. 

Like all of life's issues, the Internet has a solution. Thank...
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New Year's Eve can give your skin a serious hangover. The drinking, late night eating and sugary desserts don't exactly make for hydrated, smooth and clear skin. With the big night here, we have your comprehensive guide to caring for skin pre- and post December 31st! 

Pre NYE: Whenever I'm heading out for a night on the town, I like to give myself a mini beauty primping sesh....
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Upon the upset that was the People Magazine's Sexiest Man of the Year (I mean, Channing is a hottie and all but Sexiest of all, he is not), we at ChickAdvisor immediately started compiling our own list of sexiest men. Because clearly we know better than the folks at People (no offence). 

So, let's do without the usual chit chat and get to the good stuff: the men. Here are 10...
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In case you are/were living under a rock, the world was in a tizzy last week because we all thought everything was about to end. Like. Forever. Yup, that's right. It was supposed to be the end of days according to the Mayan calender. However, (and you should know this because you are reading this right now) we survived! Hurray! 

The potential end of the world did get me thinking though....
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Cheat #1: Candles

Okay, seems kind of obvious I know, but seriously, candlelight makes everything (and everyone) look better. You can choose different candles sizes to create a mellow or dramatic setting, which all adds to the atmosphere. I like the idea of going with different lengths all together. Don't be afraid to overdose on the candlelight either, because there is no such...
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Looking chic isn't hard. In fact you could say that it's as easy as one, two, three. Here's my theory: I have a rule of three when it comes to looking fabulous; you need three things: amazing shoes, a flattering and sexy dress and a lip that demands attention. 

This NYE, I'm going to be putting this rule into practice and I highly suggest you do as well! To start you off right...
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Sure, we can all drool over Martha Stewart's impeccable spreads and dishes. But actually making them? Um, forget it. And yes, Pinterest does provide us with endless inspirational photos, but I think those are usually best left to the professionals. Besides, who's got time for all that fancy pants business during the holidays? 

What's a less-than-Martha type of chick to do...
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It's Christmas Day and I just spent the last 2 1/2 hours gripping the arm of the stranger sitting beside me in a sold-out movie theater.  Les Misérables, smash musical based on the novel of the same name came to the big screen today and it's everything I hoped it would be.  

Academy Award-winning director Tom Hooper's cast includes Hugh Jackman (Valjean), Russell Crowe...
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Chicks! 

We want to take the opportunity to have a little heart to heart with you. The holidays are a time to spend with our loved ones and we here at Chickadvisor consider you deserving of that title. 

ChickAdvisor is a community, a family and a support system. and wouldn't exist without the members. So from the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank...
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