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While men like to complain that 'women are so difficult to figure out' and they 'never know what to buy for us', I think we can all agree that really, men are the ones who make gift giving a challenge. 

I know my father never actually seems like he wants or needs anything. What's up with that? I want/need/must have in my life at least three different items on a daily...
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I'm kind of a clumsy person. Some would call it accident prone, I call it adorable awkward, but that's another discussion. The point is, with all the conundrums I get into, I need a list of go-to remedies for bruises, sore muscles or anything else that my unfortunate body gets put through. 

Of course, store bought remedies are easy but I don't always have them on hand when...
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Kristen Stewart is a repeat offender when it comes to Yay or Nay. Since her recent break up and subsequent scandal, she's been showing some serious style chops. She even made Vogue's Best Dressed List for 2012.

Now, I don't know if she's changed stylists or maybe the media frenzy has kind of gotten to her, but girl, something has changed and it's not for the better. 

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As you might already know, if there is one beauty product I can't go without, it's a bold coloured lipstick! In fact, when I'm running late in the morning (as I often to do), I usually go with just a simple, deep red lip to bring some focus and colour to my face. 

Because I'm all about the lipstick, I need some new recommendations. What brands and products are your faves? I...
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Welcome to December! Have you caught the holiday season bug yet? I certainly have! I'm feeling all holly jolly and I want to spread the cheer with some fun contests and prizes. 

Like last week, we won't be revealing what the prizes are (that's a surprise!), but we will be telling you what the monetary value is.  

Prize Pack #1: Approx. C$45

Prize Pack #2: Approx. C$47
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The holidays are a time to give. Giving to others yes, but also giving to yourself. You've worked hard all year, you deserve it! So, every year, I make sure to give myself a little something. Even if it's just the gift of spending the afternoon in my PJs watching Christmas themed movies. Of course, if money were no option, I think I'd aim a little higher. 

Which got me...
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(images via nola.com, bust.com

When the news hit that Hostess would be going out of business, we all collectively freaked out. And by 'we' I mean, myself and maybe a few other people. I like to believe I was justified in my freak out. Afterall, had Hostess gone under there would be no Twinkies left in the world! No. Twinkies. Left. 

Thankfully though, it was announced that the...
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While the holidays can be a huge drain on your bank account and yes, they can run you ragged with all the shopping and family visits, there is one huge reason to rejoice and embrace them: glitter.

You can get away with wearing so much glitter this time of the year! You can even let it become a classic wardrobe staple piece. Plus, you get to wear great fabrics like brocade or velvet and of course,...
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I know it's not exactly lady like, but I'm a big fan of whisky. Sure, it's kind of an 'old grandpa' drink, but I like to think I look classically sophisticated drinking it. In any case, though you may not know it, whisky actually makes a mean cocktail and there's no reason to shy away from it! 

We were recently introduced to these two cocktails made with a vanilla...
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While the holiday season might be best known for carols, gingerbread men and eggnog, it should really should be known for the amazing amount of gorgeous beauty gift sets that come out. This is the prime season to stock up on all sorts of limited edition products or get some great bargains with value sets and palettes. 

So, while you're out at the mall crossing all those names off your...
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