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I'm a huge points fan. Whether it's collecting enough for free lipstick at the drugstore or earning enough for a flight, I'm all over it. 

But let's be honest: it takes a fairly long time to earn enough to buy anything or go anywhere.  That's why I was interested to learn about the new ChoicePlus Card from American Express that...
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I love giving homemade gifts. A thoughtful gift that you've made yourself is so sweet! However, DIY'ing for an entire list of people can be tiring and can get costly. I found an easy gift for the holidays that takes just a few minutes to put together and can be done up with a few accessories to make cute packaging. 

Here are the steps to creating a homemade tea for a DIY gift! I am...
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This past year, one of the major beauty innovations to hit the market was the BB cream. While BB creams had been popular in Asia for a while, they've only recently become commonplace here in North America. BB stands for Blemish or Beauty Balm and it's marketed as an 'all-in-one' product that brightens and offers moisturization and coverage. 

Now, if you thought those were great...
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I believe it was Yves Saint Laurent who said, 'Fashions fade, style is eternal'. You only need to look at a few photos of 80's fashion to know that this is totally true! While fads and trends come and go, there are always a few key pieces that can carry you through for years to come. These are the items worth spending a few dollars on. For this season, here are 5 fashion and beauty...
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We don't need to remind you that the holidays are just around the corner.  The evidence is everywhere: stores setting up elaborate displays, neighbours power-stapling Christmas lights to their roof lines, and all of the kids in your orbit making not-so-subtle gifting hints on your Facebook wall.

As much work as the holiday season can be with shopping and decorating, we love the...
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(images via elionia.blogg.se, weheartit.com, fatal-e.tumblr.com
YouTube is a goldmine of information. Especially when it comes to beauty. I think we definitely proved that with our round up of 10 Jaw Dropping Halloween Tutorials. However, those tutorials aren't exactly 'office appropriate' so we thought a guide to your essential makeup tutorials via YouTube was needed...
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One of our major pet peeves is when young, bright Hollywood actresses dress way older than their age. Whether it's a dowdy grannie look (a la T.Swift) or a too sexy, baring all look (a la Miley Cyrus), we like it best when our favourite leading ladies dress age and event appropriate. So, we were happy to see that Elle Fanning was attempting a cute, youthful and feminine outfit and makeup...
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The Review of the Week goes to a product that is a crucial element to keeping friends. What is it? Deodorants and anti-perspirants! 

They keep you smelling fresh throughout the day, especially during the more active and stressful moments. No one ever wants to smell body odour, especially not when in close quarters with others. Adding a refreshing smell to the situation makes everyone a happy...
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Normally, every Monday we introduce two new contests for you to enter in and two cool new prize packs that can be won. This week, we decided to switch it up a bit! While we're still going to have two fabulous new contests and prize packs, we're going to let the prize packs be a mystery! 

However, what we will tell you is the retail value of each of the prize packs, though we won't...
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You've written a killer resume, scoured the job postings, and worked your professional contacts. Now you've been invited to an in-person interview... are you ready?

Take confidence in the fact that being offered an interview in the first place says that the company is already seriously interested in your skills, so all you need to do is close the sale.  Here are 12 tips to...
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