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Recently, some of the lovely ChickAdvisor Staffers went on vacation. As you know, Ali took a trip to San Francisco and not too long ago, Ali was in New York. Mandy also just came back from a trip to Orlando to visit Mickey Mouse! Of course, I was extremely jealous. Once I got over my jealousy at the fact that Mandy got to see Princess Jasmine, I was inspired by Ali and Mandy's travels to...
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I saw this idea in a design magazine a year ago that I think was Canadian House & Home and it struck me as so stupid simple, even an all thumbs person like myself could do it.  They used it as an accent piece in an upstairs hallway but I bought such a big piece of canvas I only had room for it in the living room.
DIY Wall Art
All of the supplies were from an art store that was having a sale on...
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Now that summer is upon us, it's time to bust out the shorts and bare those legs! Only, as any girl can attest to, this comes with a whole slew of issues. Most notably, the bumps and ingrown hairs that can arise thanks to the contraption that is the razor. This is doubly annoying if you have sensitive skin like myself. Nothing says 'sexy legs' like ingrown hairs, am I right...
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First of all, it should be noted that on the particular day that these pics were taken, the weather was gorgeous. Mr.Sun was out and there was a light breeze. Fast forward to a day or two later and Mr. Sun seemed to be on vacation elsewhere. It wasn't even warm enough to go bare legged! It was a wise decision that Miranda and I took advantage of the fabulous weather by breaking out our summer...
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Sponsored5 Exercises for a Perky Butt
Obviously summer is amazing for many reasons and I'm so glad it's finally here.  But with the warmer weather comes ice cream and with ice cream comes a bigger butt.  Or maybe that's just me, my neighbourhood ice cream truck and my lack of self control.  But no matter.  We all want an enviable rear and there's no reason not to have one.

With these...
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Whoa, Whitney! What's going on over here? When I look at Whitney Port in this office, I feel like someone needs to alert the police because she's a complete and utter victim. A fashion victim, that is. 

This is the perfect example of doing too many trends at the same time and not pulling any of them off. Let's break up this crazy outfit first, shall we? 

Let's take a look...
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So, here's the deal. I've got some extra goodies on my hands and I need two lucky chicks to snap them up! Are you interested? Good. Keep reading. 

It isn't difficult to be one of the two who win our weekly prizes. It's so easy in fact that you only need to follow two steps.

Step 1: Check out prizes. Gasp, ohh and ahh and drool over their awesomeness. Here they are:

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It's pouring rain today and whenever the weather is gray, I like to make indoors as cozy as possible. Luckily I'm working from home and my 4 toothed co-worker is super cute.

I was in a bit of a self-reflective mood this morning so I spent some time with spreadsheets and my old pal, the Bible.  I'm one of those purpose-driven types and it's important to me to evaluate how I...
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During the summer months, my reading material needs to be that perfect blend of humour, romance and fun, of course some juicy drama thrown in doesn't hurt either! I'm a big fan of beach reads. I love light hearted novels that I can just relax and unwind with. Sure, it isn't War and Peace or anything but who doesn't love some guilty pleasure reading in the sun? 

There are...
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I was going to write up a Gratuitous Hottie Face Off: Fairy Tale Edition, but then, I realized that there were just way too many hot boys to chose from! I mean, it was just not going to happen if I was expected to chose from Chris Hemsworth and Heath Ledger. That's just cruel and unusual punishment. 

Instead, I decided to give you a round up of my 10 of my favourite fairy tale hotties....
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