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If you've never been to S.F before it's a good idea to do some research before you travel. Like any big city, the tourist experience is quite different from the local life.  The cool neighbourhoods and independent cafes and shops likely aren't walkable from your hotel.  They're tucked away in more remote parts so unless you know where you're going you won't find...
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I've already told you that lately, I can't stop day dreaming about fairy tales. Of course, I also can't stop day dreaming about the princes in them (but we'll leave that until our next Gratuitous Hottie Face Off). Seeing as I'm all about the romance and whimsy of these stories, I'm counting down the days until the new Snow White and the Huntsman movie is released (I'll...
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Since the new year started, I've been making a concerned effort to treat my body better by eating healthier and exercising regularly. As anyone who's tried to get fit will tell you, it isn't easy but when you start to see your desired results, it's totally worth it. 

One of my biggest issues I've had while trying to stick to a healthy diet is: what can I eat for snacks...
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(image via staceyable.com
Photographs to document your wedding day and your engagement are an essential to most couples. Your photographs will always be there to remind you of such a special time. Only, I can't stand those ridiculously cheesy couple shots that seem to be so popular with wedding photogs these days. I mean, I have never once stared out a window pensively while...
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What do you get when you cross the lace nail art trend with a polka dot manicure? Well, you get an adorable lacy-edged inspired manicure; only this one's done all by hand, with a dotting tool. 

Now, a word on dotting tools, because I express my love for them enough. Dotting tools are seriously one of the best nail art investments you'll ever make. I covet my own tool; without it I...
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Here on ChickAdvisor we talk a lot about beauty tips and tricks.  Sometimes it’s about making a big and bold statement, but just as often it’s the little changes that can make all the difference in the world.

Recently we showed you how using an eyelash curler can brighten your eyes in seconds – an easy step with big results!   So when we first heard about Revlon’s...
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As Mandy and I both mentioned in our skin routine articles (see mine over here and Mandy's over here), we're big believers in skin treatments. By that we mean facial scrubs and peels and masks of all kinds. Personally, I credit masks with helping reduce my acne and I know Mandy swears by her masks to get that glowing and hydrated skin we all crave. 

While there are a ton of products...
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Lately I can't get enough of D.I.Y home projects. That's partly because being at home with a baby has made me a little obsessed with 'feathering my nest'. Everything needs to be stylish and organized or it just doesn't sit right. It's almost instinctual. In the early spring I cleaned my closet. Now I'm decorating.

This project is fun and easy to do. It should take you...
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I guess I can blame it on the anticipated release of Snow White and the Huntsman, but lately I'm in kind of a fairy tale daze. More specifically, I've been obsessed with the romantic and organic look of fairy tale inspired beauty. With the modern remakes of fairy tales being released, I'm in love with the wearable interpretations of hair and makeup. 

Today we're going for...
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I love the summer. I love the weather, I love the sun and I love the liberating feeling of that first beach-worthy day. To be honest though, I also kind of dread that first beach-worthy day. Why? Because it means that I'm going to have to start rocking some shorts soon and my legs are in no way, shape or form ready for that. 

Not only does this first day involve the obligatory shaving and...
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