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Remember that viral video a few months back, when a lucky lady was proposed to and then proceeded to faint? I suspect it wasn't so much the boy as it was ring. Face it, as soon as you find out someone is engaged, what's the first thing out of your mouth? It's always: "Omigosh, congrats! Let me see the ring!" I mean, Beyonce even centered an entire song around the engagement ring

We will...
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In this week's Pose Off, I put on my fave shoes of late: my bright pink Doc Martens. Now, if you've ever had a pair of Docs, you know how difficult they are to break in. Of course, Docs aren't the only shoes that are tough to break in. Heels, wedges, sandals...groan. I am secretly convinced there is a very evil shoe designer out there who hates women's feet. I...
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How are all you lovely chicks doing today? I don't know about you, but I think Garfield had it right about Mondays: they're the worst. To make Monday a little easier, we have something I like to call, Monday Won-Day! 

This means that we have two wonderful and new contests along with two incredible prizes. So, what contests are we talking about and how can you get it on the fun? 

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Working in an office with so many talented ladies, you get a ton of different opinions and views and this doesn't stop at fashion. We all have our own individual styles at ChickAdvisor so, we thought this week we'd put them to the test. While we showed off our style chops last week in the Outfit of the Day Pose Off and this week, we decided we wanted to show off just a...
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I will freely admit that Lily Collins is my very latest, and hugest girl crush. She reminds me of a fresh faced, modern Audrey Hepburn. I think it's those fabulous and natural eyebrows that get me. Ms. Collins is a rising star at the moment. But as Snow White in the anticipated movie Mirror, Mirror, I think Lily is poised to become a major force to be reckoned with. 

As such a young,...
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Let’s think back to that day when we got our period for the very first time.  If your experience was anything like mine, it came with a little nervous excitement, a big scary mess, and a mother who proudly proclaimed to her peeps that her little girl had finally become a woman (I was a late bloomer). 

Up to that point, the extent of my knowledge of this miracle of menstruation...
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At ChickAdvisor HQ, we’re just a wee bit obsessed with nails, nail polish, nail art, nail everything… Yeah, we know – shocker.

Revlon knows a thing or two about nails (confession time: I own more shades of Revlon nail enamels than I’d care to openly confess), so I was excited to hear about the new addition to their Crazy Shine™ Nail Buffer family.

Haven’t heard of the Crazy...
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I've said this to my fellow ChickStaffers but if it were up to me all Gratuitous Hottie Face Offs would be between Jon Hamm and Chris Hemsworth. Oh and of course, all time fave Jake Gyllenhaal would make an appearance. Reluctantly, I guess I will admit that this probably wouldn't be the best idea. After all, variety is the spice of life right? 

With that in mind, let em...
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I was always a snacker, due to the fact that apparently, I was born with a bottomless pit for a stomach. Lately though, due to a burst in my healthy eating habits, I've been snacking up a storm. I tend to eat a lot of smaller meals throughout the day as opposed to two or three larger meals that I used to eat. Because of this, I've been scouring the groceries stores looking for new options...
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Before we get into this recipe I need to tell you, I am super, duper excited about this one. And I only use the term "super duper" when I am seriously pumped up about something so you know this one is going to be good. 

I came across the idea for a marshmallow milkshake over here and I immediately dropped everything I was doing and ran out to the grocery store to buy all the necessities. I...
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