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(images via justjared.com, vettri.net)
Last week, Shiori and Alexandra and their respective pretend celeb boyfriends (Christian Bale and Jake Gyllenhaal) faced off in the hottie gladiator ring (in my [Alexandra's] mind). 
This week, we start a new Staff Picks: Gratuitous Hotties bracket, where Mandy's pick, the teen dream Ian Somerhalder goes up against Michelle's...
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A while ago, I wrote a little ditty about how much I love surprises. Because the Universe doesn’t differentiate the intricacies of the English language, it took me literally and delivered me a surprise that can only be described as one doozy of a humdinger.

No, not a baby left on my doorstep. Not a puppy in a basket. Not a long-lost twin that my parents had been hiding from me. Not even a...
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I've figured out why everyone is in such a good mood during the holiday season- no, it's not the yummy food, the presents or just the spirit of the holidays, it's because of the fabulous holiday beauty products that are released! 

What we especially love about the holiday products are the fabulous kits that are put together with a bit of everything- like a sampling tray (yum!). We...
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I encourage cheating in two areas in life: when playing 'Go Fish!' and when baking (especially during the holidays). Just think: you're running around, decorating, cooking and you're not even finished your shopping and you're also expected to bake an amazing dessert? Do what I do, take the easy way out and cheat a little! 

This recipe, for what I think is probably the best...
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We're chilly n' chic for this pose off! We're firm believers that just because the weather is turning colder, it doesn't mean that you can't still look as cute as a button . We set out to prove this by posing off in our own winter jackets!

This winter, we're all about embracing our primal instincts with furs, prints and textures. Alexandra and Shiori still love the army...
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What just happened? Why is suddenly dark at 4:30pm? Oh... this thing called winter? When did that get here?

Do you need a fabulous pick-me-up cure for the winter blues? I have just the thing for you: contests and prizes! This week we're giving away two wonderful prizes and it's very easy (and not to mention fun) to be entered to win! 

What are this week's prizes? 

(1) Marcelle...
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To be honest, I have mixed feelings about Gwyneth Paltrow to begin with so I'm going to try and remain neutral and impartial for this yay or nay and present the the evidence as unbiased as possible. 

Here's the facts: this dress is different (to say the least) and unusual but I always appreciate the avant garde. However, I almost feel like this dress crosses the line into silliness-...
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(images via justjared.buzznet.comimages.digitalspy.co.uk)
Usually, with our Gratuitous Hottie articles, I (Alexandra) get to pick the two sexy men and then because I like the feeling of power, I decide who gets to be crowned 'Hottest of them all'. However, to change it up, I thought I would give some say to the other ChickStaffers. This week, I'm picking one of my all time...
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You heard Elvis sing about his Blue Suede Shoes- how about some blue suede pumps instead? I think they're much cuter!

These metallic embellished blue suede pumps have a concealed platform and a fabulously towering 4 inch heel. The deep indigo hue of the shoe is offset by a chic and shiny gold toe cap and the striking gold stiletto- wowza! 

How much do we wish we could have these...
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We asked and you delivered! A few weeks ago, we asked that you submit your most creative ideas for using a Fuji Instax Mini 50S camera we were overwhelmed the awesome response. We chose the top 20 answers- these lucky 20 are our finalists! Eight of them will go on to win their very own Instax! But that's not all... you can win one too! 

How? Everyday, you can vote for your favourite...
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