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J'adore les émissions de télé-réalité culinaires. Au point où ma famille s'indigne de l'espace que j'utilise sur notre enregistreur vidéo, ne laissant aucune place pour les séries d'ado ou les documentaires technos!

Pour ma défense, toutes les émissions enregistrées me donnent l'occasion d'apprendre plusieurs techniques et astuces culinaires qui...
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UPDATE: this opportunity is now closed. See our full list of winners below!

I love food reality TV. My family gets frustrated with the amount of space I claim on our DVR. No room for teen dramedies or techie documentaries - ha!

I defend this hogging of the DVR by pointing out how many great tips I have gotten out of these cooking show marathons....
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My skincare and make-up routines give me more confidence to face the day. Isn’t it amazing how healthy looking skin can make you feel better? And it’s a major bonus when products save you time too! 

At the end of the day, however, all I want to do is wipe off my make-up and give my skin a break before I repeat my routine the next day. That’s why I’ve been using the 
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Mes cheveux sont très bouclés (comme Keri Russel, vous vous souvenez de Felicity?) et ils sont à la fois secs et sujets aux frisottis. De plus, à chaque changement de température, ce problème ne fait qu'empirer. Pour obtenir une longue chevelure en bonne santé, je suis constamment à la recherche de produits qui peuvent hydrater mes...
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I have very curly hair (think Keri Russel in Felicity) which tends to be both dry and frizzy. And every time the weather changes, this problem only intensifies. 

In my quest to grow long and healthy hair, I'm always searching for products that will moisturize my hair and tame down the frizzies, as well as minimize split ends. So...
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I am so passionate about beauty oils that I could write a book about them. They are probably one of the biggest trends for 2016, and for good reason; they are so versatile and efficient! Beauty oils can be used for the face, hair, and even the body, making them the perfect addition to your beauty regimen. In fact, they are so amazing that even Cleopatra, one of the biggest beauty icons of...
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Every year, I make the resolution to start eating smarter and this year is no different. But truth be told, with my busy schedule, I find it hard to accomplish this goal. I'm sure I'm not the only one with this problem, right? So, I'm always on the lookout for snack options that will both taste great and contain wholesome real ingredients I can feel good about eating.

I was quite...
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This brand needs NO introduction, Chicks. Dry Shampoo is one our favourite quick beauty tricks, and Batiste Dry Shampoo is just about the very first brand that comes to mind when we're talking about freshening up our hair between washes.

Let's be clear: dry shampoo and regular shampoo are NOT the same thing. Dry Shampoo is waterless and designed for those situations when you're...
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Laissez tomber le rouge à lèvres, le fard à joues et même le mascara; mon indispensable maquillage est sans aucun doute le fond de teint! Malheureusement pour moi, je n'ai pas la chance d'avoir une peau impeccable à la Beyoncé (flawless; maintenant vous avez la chanson dans la tête, n'est-ce pas?), donc je quitte rarement la maison sans en...
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Forget lipstick, blush and even mascara, the most important product in my makeup arsenal is foundation. I wasn't blessed with ***flawless skin à la Beyoncé (who else is singing the song in their head right now?), so I rarely leave the house without wearing foundation (and a teensy bit of concealer).

Recently, I've been searching for a...
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