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I am not at all ready for my boy to start school next month. I’m not talking about procrastinating with school supply shopping.  I am not emotionally prepared for Jake to be in kindergarten.  

It seems like he was a newborn just yesterday and now I’m expected to turn him out into the world.  Suit him up, slap on a backpack, put together a healthy lunch respecting all...
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Shoe shopping is the best kind of shopping, agreed? 

In the excitement of finding THE perfect pair for summer, we easily forget the inevitable breaking-in period and the blisters that often come with it. Whether you're sporting classic flats, working out in a fresh pair of trainers, or strutting some sky-high stilettos, shoes can rub us the wrong way. And what about those pairs you...
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My kids have me on the run. 

I try to maintain some sanity by limiting the activities to one at a time: basketball during winter, soccer in spring, and swimming lessons for a few weeks in summer. However, I have THREE children and rarely do their commitments sync up for optimal scheduling. We're on the go constantly, so I need a stash of...
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Getting my 8 full glasses of water a day is very important, especially during these hot summer months. I find it’s so easy to forget to stay hydrated with the hustle and bustle of summer activities, and let’s face it: water is just plain boring sometimes.

That’s why I absolutely love soda water. The bubbliness is exciting, and it’s a...
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Boire huit verres d’eau quotidiennement est pour moi très important, surtout durant les journées chaudes d’été. Cependant, j’éprouve parfois de la difficulté à rester bien hydratée parce que primo, je suis hyper occupée par toutes les activités estivales que je ne veux pas manquer et secundo, avouons-le-nous, l’eau plate porte bien son...
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Recently, 20 of our Toronto Chicks and 1,000 cheese lovers across Canada joined ChickAdvisor for our #MasterCheeseClass with celeb chef Christine Cushing.

Christine guided us through three spectacular dishes featuring cheeses made from 100% Canadian milk: 

Baby Arugula Salad with Canadian Halloumi Croutons in Citrus Olive Oil Vinaigrette (click for recipe)

Grilled Turkey and Smoked...
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You and your squeeze might enjoy staying in and Netflix-bingeing on occasion, but that's no date night. Treating your successful relationship to something a little more outside-the-box is how memories are really made! Perhaps you've already enjoyed some high adrenaline dates like paintballing, ziplining, or whitewater rafting, but here are a few more unexpected ideas you can do to step out of...
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We all have those trouble spots which need a lil’ extra TLC, and for me that’s my dry, not-so-nice looking heels. I suffer from extremely rough skin on the back of my feet which I inherited (I’m looking at you, Dad!), and while I wouldn’t mind so much if I were, say, trekking across the country Hobbit-style, I prefer a more conventionally attractive look on my heels.

I have gone to...
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On Sunday, June 7 from 1pm - 3pm EST we are hosting a live cooking class with Dairy Farmers of Canada. 

Stay tuned for prizes handed out during the live broadcast. To participate, snap photos of you cooking along side us or your delectable dishes and use the hashtag #MasterCheeseClass.

Cook along with us and our host Christine Cushing using the downloadable recipes below. Click each recipe to...
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Everything is digital-this and smart-that, but I guess we knew it was coming. 2015 is the year of the flying DeLorean* after all, and ever since I discovered that my kids have never seen a rotary telephone or heard a phone's busy signal in their entire lives, I realized that the times have truly changed.

(*Did I just betray my age? Bonus points if you have a hot clue where that reference...
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