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Thinking of buying a new car? Want to go green? Read up on this one from AskPatty...

In the latest Auto Pulse survey conducted by the Consumer Reports National Research Center, Toyota is ranked as the greenest car company (by 49% of respondents). The nationwide telephone survey ran from Dec. 6-10, 2007, polling 2,037 adults. Honda came...

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Did you know that many airlines will lower their rates at midnight (EST)? Or that weekend specials are usually released on Thursday nights?

No? Neither did we.

That is, until recently when member Spotty posted this article in our forums.

You might want to read that article before you book your next flight. Sweet!

Thanks, Spotty!
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Curious to know what the celebs wore for the SAG Awards? I Am Fashion has you covered...

Fashion at the SAG Awards this year was a bit of a yawn. There were very few (or arguably no) super impressive dresses. With the fewer number of award red carpets this year, one would imagine the actresses would put more effort into this ceremony, or that more actresses would have turned up.

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Hmmm... we kinda likey! The latest nail polish trends from Sugarshock...

While Chanel may be trumpeting Blue Satin as the "it" color for spring, for me, dark nails are just getting a little....*yawn*. On the other side of the coin are these soft gray hues, which are already causing quite a stir amongst beauty editors and bloggers alike. And given my penchant for simplicity and subtlety above...
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Hey Chickies! It's Joy here giving you the scoop on makeup trends and tips to keep you looking as beautiful! As the seasons change, so should your makeup. Just because it's dull and dreary outside doesn't mean you have to look like that too! Skin tends to look duller and drier in the winter so opt for creamier textures or products that have a luminous effect. Get rid of the winter...
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Curious about ChickAdvisor behind the scenes? Bargainista cornered Ali and got her to dish...

I recently had the pleasure of emceeing Third Tuesday Toronto with guests Ali and Alex de Bold from ChickAdvisor. Donna Papacosta from Trafcom News also interviewed Ali and Alex for the first Third Tuesday Toronto podcast. I still had a few questions, particularly about social shopping, so I...
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What's more stunning? Diane Kruger's dress or her wistfully romantic hairdo (let's hope that fur is fake). Read SugarShock's take on Diane's look...

The lovely ladies of young Hollywood were out in droves in Paris this week for the couture shows, and Diane Kruger, seen here at Chanel, was a definite standout. With her breezy chic vibe, it's easy to see why she's...
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A naughty little beauty post from Makeup Loves Me to get you ready for Valentine's Day...

hi beauties! there's less than 3 weeks until valentine's day, so it's time makeup loves me starts working my fairy-godmother magic to get you ready. i like valentine's day, because it provides an excuse for all women - single, coupled, polyamorous - to get something for themselves. and...
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Blogger Chez Pim asks musician Wynton Marsalis about his five fave foods. You might be surprised which comfort foods made it to the list!

Chez Pim presents a new feature, Friday Five, in which I hoodwink invite fascinating people from all walks of life to answer five questions about food. The first guest -€“ also known as unsuspecting victim -€“ is Wynton Marsalis.

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ChickFlick-ers will be flocking to the theaters to catch the beautiful Katherine Heigl and dreamy James Marsden in "27 Dresses". This kind of wellness is definitely therapeutic, and blogger I Am Fashion agrees...

Ever since I heard about this movie a few months ago, I've been waiting in great anticipation to see it. After all, this is probably one of the few chick flicks coming out... since...
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