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Canadian Beauty has some great tips if you're not yet up to speed on makeup brushes...

Changes are that if you haven't tried mineral makeup already, you will in the next year, and that means that if you don't own some already, you will, and then you'll wonder how you can put it on properly.

The trick, my friends, lies in the brushes. So, here are the brushes that you could...
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Daily Dose of Coffee rants and raves about the newest offering from Spanx...

I am a huge fan of Spanx. I have tried their underwear, tights, bra, and even the black skirts. Love it all. But one of my complaints about the bra was that it was lacking in underwire, and for those of us above a B cup, we really need underwire when we're out and about.

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Have you noticed the white makeup trend yet? Like many other head-scratching styles, we're not sure if this is for everyone. Read up on what blogger Budget Fashionista has to say about it...

What: White eyeliner, eye shadow and even mascara are taking up real estate in the cosmetic department.

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Mamaluv's birthday dinner escapade...

It's that time of year again. As a child, you eagerly count down the days starting months in advance; as an adult (especially women), you duck your head and hope no one notices the date (although secretly hope that your special someone will make a big hoopla about it). I'm talking about birthdays. Yesterday was mine.

My good friend informed...
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A great freebie find from Lipstick Powder N' Paint...

It's 2008 and the time to put your best face forward. Clean out that makeup bag and stock up on fresh, new, pretty products.

With a purchase of $100 at Nordstrom, you will be shipped a C.R.A.Z.Y amount of deluxe product samples. Yippee!

Check them out...

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A funny post from Fabulously Broke in the City that you may want to pass on to your man...

Some of them seem a bit sexist, but nonetheless, I found them a bit funny..

12 Questions to Never ask your Girlfriend

1. Did you go shopping again?
Women shop. Let it go. And if she's not dragging you to the mall with her, then consider yourself lucky. Besides, all that shopping for new clothes...
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Who knew? Cheapie makeup line Wet n' Wild is getting into the mineral trend. Read up from The Budget Fashionista...

Wet n' Wild has long been a friend of budget stylistas when it comes to getting beauty basics on the cheap. So it makes sense then, with the rise in popularity of mineral products, that they'd get on board with their own mineral collection, "Beauty Benefits."

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Want to try something new? Here's a hearty stew that hails from Southeastern US, courtesy of Epicurious.

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Bargainista's found a home-run in the aisles at Costco. Brownies, anyone?

Love chocolate? Need to bake something yummy to impress a crowd in a hurry?

Well, I've got the perfect treat for you...I found a four-pack of Ghiradelli Triple Chocolate Brownie mix at my neighbourhood Costco - and it only cost $6.99.

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Curious about foundation primers? Canadian Beauty has some tips...

I've already talked about the Era spray foundation which has excellent wear all on its own. On the days that I'm not wearing that product, I use the Era Foundation Primer which is amazing! It's different from most other primers because it doesn't have any silicones in it, and you just lightly mist your face with...
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