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Ya, baby! ChickAdvisor is being profiled on CBC Newsworld's Fortune Hunters this Saturday January 19th at 6:30pm EST.

If you want to check it out, make sure you actually get this channel as it is not the same as regular CBC. We actually had to go out and order cable...


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This fame thing is just not healthy...

Poor Tommy. Not only has the world been laughing at him for years, now someone has gone and taken a video of him while high, ranting about the virtues of Scientology and posted it on youtube. Or at least that is what appears to be the case...
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We expect nothing less from the Queen of Daytime...

Oprah Winfrey is getting her own TV network.

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What better to do to banish winter blues than to pamper yourself?

Our Freebie Friday for January is the Gold Moor Mud Gift Box from Spa Boutique (value of $32).

The kit includes:
  • 100 ml Pine Mud Bath:Take an enjoying mud bath in this luxurious moor mud and experience the feeling it renders to your body. The unique blends of plant extracts and trace minerals, vitamins and phyto-hormones will give your...
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© Pontiac

Thinking of buying a new car this year? You might want to consider this list before dropping the cash. Forbes.com has compiled a list of the 10 biggest losers for 2007: the most unreliable, fastest depreciating, least safe and most recalled. Buckle up!

The Car Why it's a loser

The Chrysler Sebring ~ for recalls and faulty parts.

2. Dodge Nitro ~ for worse...
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Fashion does its part to support heart disease research. A Girl's Gotta Spa has the details...

February 1st is National Wear Red Day; a day when matters of the heart don't involve chocolates and flowers, but one of bringing about awareness of heart disease in women. As a heart survivor herself, Gail Schneider has designed a customized t-shirt for the Go Red For Women campaign with 25%...
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Many women still don't know that heart disease is the leading cause of death, not cancer. Read up on this important topic, including this article from WebMD...

Scientists have found seven new cholesterol genes, which may make good targets for new cholesterol drugs.

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Word has it, Zagat is for sale. At a mere $200 million, it'll be interesting to see who snaps it up. Read Gothamist's article on the subject...

Tim and Nina Zagat, whose eponymous ratings guide started in 1979 as a two-page typed list of New York restaurants, are putting their baby on the market. Insiders peg the company’s worth at $200 million; the Times thinks the brand will...
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I remember eating LifeSaver candies as a child. This hilarious commercial makes me want to run out and get a whole case! Hopefully Dr. Workout will have an antidote, though...

I think this should be required viewing for husbands and boyfriends, don't you?
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Happy New Year to all the Chicks out there! It's Ellen here and I am so thrilled to be part of the ChickAdvisor team. Today I'd like to share with you my favourite 10 products from 2007. I of course have more than 10 favourite products but if I was to share them all with you, it would take me weeks to type them all out!

And in no particular order, here they are...

MAC Royal Assets Eyeshadow...
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