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Recipe from Bon Appetit

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What's better than an old Abba video to ring in the New Year with cheer?

Enjoy the 80's cheese.
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I have always loved New Year's resolutions. Especially because they can be phrased so vaguely, like:

1. Lose weight - no mention of how much or when this is supposed to take place. So for example, if I lose 5 pounds in January and then do nothing all year it would still fulfill my resolution.

2. Reduce debt - does switching balances over to lower interest credit cards count?

3. Be more charitable...
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This is the show we are going to be on. The air date for our segment is Saturday January 19th at 6:30 EST on CBC.
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Read up for some great recommendations from The Gothamist for New Year's Eve...

There's such a dizzying number of ways to throw money away on New Year's Eve that it's always tempting to just stay home and avoid the throngs of staggering amateurs altogether. But what to do about dinner? If you're not in the mood to cook, it's really not such a bad night to sample some of...
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A day after Christmas, hotel heir Barron Hilton said he will give about $1.2 billion to charity.

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A little less insanity this year. That was the plan, and we actually managed to follow it this time. Usually Christmas means 7 or 8 family shindigs, at least two Christmas concerts, running ragged from event to event and overeating at every one. Ok, so we still did the last thing. Aside from 2 elaborate dinners and 1 sumptuous brunch, our diet was basically gingerbread and Lindt chocolate. However...
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Sean Penn may soon be a single man walking. Robin Wright Penn has filed for divorce from the actor and director, according to ...

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You have probably been seeing plenty of this 1 cup wonder lately, but what just what is all the hype about? It's a coffee machine. Ok.... It makes hot beverages one at a time. That's nice.... You can't use regular coffee or espresso beans, you have to purchase their special coffee dohickeys called T Discs - even for the milk. That blows...

Many coffee companies are starting to make...
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This Christmas we were in Ottawa visiting the in-laws. We ate silly amounts of delicious food (both parents are amazing cooks) and drank copious amounts of wine. We played many rounds of Mad Gab, Scrabble and Uno, and when Boxing Day rolled around, we shopped.

Alex and I never intended to get caught up in the post Christmas sales, but a trip to a cafe downtown to get a little uninterrupted work...
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