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I have always been of the belief that it is never to a woman's benefit to reveal her true age. In business, either you are too young and you won't be taken seriously, or you are too old. There is also of course, the baby factor: When will she be going on maternity leave?? A former boss once asked me during the interview when I was planning on having children. I was 18.

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We've always been fans of Nymag.com until now. They've come out with a new show in their fashion look book section that is pretty much exactly the same as our show but the fashionistas are questionably dressed transvestites.

Forgive us, but who is this fashion advice supposed to be for exactly? Normally we'd say who cares? Fashion is fashion, but this... only Tootsie could...
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Is "Stressmas" getting to you yet? Here's a great article from WebMD to help you through this festive season.

Before your holiday stress levels start to rise, learn these 4 simple tactics for saying no to unnecessary obligations.

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Toronto and Ottawa members we are trying to do a little last minute holiday brunch if you're interested. We've been talking about it in the forums.

It's a last minute uber casual deal but here's what we are working on:

A brunch, some fab free products from Garnier and a chance to meet in person and discuss girls only topics that will make the boys blush.

Toronto Sat Dec 15 11am...
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Here's a great B.I.Y (bake-it-yourself) gift idea from epicurious.com These gifts are the sweetest kind. Yummy!

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Are these fantastic or what? They are candy cane shot glasses, and are making me seriously consider throwing a big Christmas bash just so I can use them.

Just imagine yourself tossing back ice-cold Smirnoff in one of these puppies, and when you're done you can, as the maker suggests, eat the evidence!

I'm not so sure about the sticky fingers part but if you're enjoying these at a party,...
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It's that time of year again, when the summer sun is but a distant memory for most of us and we have the sickly white hue to prove it. You have your office Christmas party to attend and a February hot spot getaway with your friends planned. What's a girl to do?

Option #1: High-tail it to the nearest tanning bed and soak up some UV. Try not to worry about that pesky little skin cancer thing,...
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Thanks, but... no thanks!
Let's be honest here. Every year some well intentioned soul buys something for you that you simply must return. In many cases, you should find a way to keep it and consider the spirit in which it was given to you. But sometimes the offending item simply must be returned or re-gifted. This is awkward and can hurt the giver's feelings so you have to be really...
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We're very excited to announce the launch of several new cities! We were poking around in our stats and noticed there were literally hundreds of you registered in these cities anxious to add your two cents!

We have added the following:
Los Angeles
San Francisco
London (UK)

If you live in one of these cities tell your friends and start adding reviews! Please and...
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There is nothing more enchanting than experiencing Christmas in another part of the world.

Castle "Neuschwanstein" near Füssen, a must-see for visitors to the region. 30-minute tours offered several times daily in 11 languages cost 9€* per adult.

I was fortunate to live in Germany for several years and take in some new traditions and memories I will never forget. Southern Bavaria in winter is a...
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