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For those of you north of the border, have a wonderful Thanksgiving and may you overindulge in turkey, gravy and time with family and friends.

While we here at ChickAdvisor H.Q are working busily this weekend for some really cool upcoming stuff, we feel we have a lot to be grateful for.

If you've been with us for a while you have probably noticed we don't talk about the holidays very often....
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Tshirts are finally here, Baby! Well, except for those pesky pink ones... or should we say, those pesky Sangria ones.

It turns out American Apparel's version of Fuchsia is what most women would consider bubblegum Pink - a colour that can't be worn by most women over the age of 10. What most of us perceive to be Fuchsia, they call Sangria.


We'll have the Sangria T's on...
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Stress - most of us struggle with it daily and see how it affects our health. Simplifying your life helps, and organizing what can't be deep-sixed is what blogger Fabulously Broke is talking about today...

You know how you get into work and you know you have a TON to do, but you just can't remember WHAT it was you had to do?

How do you cope with that?

For me, my system so far, has...
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Do you wonder if Pilates is really worth the hype? WebMD investigates...

Many Pilates devotees say they've seen improvements in flexibility, posture and abdominal strength -- and decreases in back, neck, and joint pain.

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AskPatty reminds us to Think Pink this month...

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, so we've compiled a collection of pink products meant to help us car gals raise awareness of breast cancer. Many of these companies also donate a portion of their profits to raising breast cancer...

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Ah, fashion weeks! Exciting for the fashion forward and more than a little confusing for the average shmuck. I Am Fashion gives us a run-down of recent events at the Paris show...

Paris! Exciting week this is. I know some of you aren't fans of fashion shows (or the posts) but I really do need to blog about the shows to let my brain sort out what trends will be coming up. Besides, sometimes...
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Wondering about the goji berries we're hearing so much about lately? Chocolate & Zucchini wondered, too.

The first time goji berries popped up on my radar was last winter, at London's Borough Market: amidst the fudge makers and the pie ministers was a natural foods stand that sold all manner of esoteric goods. Dried goji berries were prominently featured, with various health...
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Here's a useful cookie trick from the Amateur Gourmet...

As much as I miss Diana for her winning personality, I mostly miss her for her cookie sheets. It was with her cookie sheets that we first made the greatest cookies of our lives--you can read the recipe here. Meg of Megnut rejected these cookies when she tried them and called them 'too thin,' but I still think they're the...
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The last time I had the opportunity to vote, I dutifully went down to the polling station and stood at the end of the queue. While I waited for my turn, I was still deciding which way to cast my ballot--

Do I toe the line and vote blindly for the same party I have always supported?

Do I take a chance and vote for the new candidate?

Do I even really know the issues? Should I be here, an uneducated...
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ChickAdvisor member and blogger MadGlam (model pictured here) shares some tips on scoring tickets to fashion week...

Toronto's L'oreal Fashion Week is just around the corner. Castings have begun, designers are hard at work, and the FDCC has found a new venue Read More...
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