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Did you know that the Canadian Goverment does not consider fashion design to be a cultural industry in Canada? This means our designers are not eligible for tax credits and government grants, readily available for other industries like film.

I did a short video piece on this - which I'm not linking to because of it's sheer badness (student quality, old equipment), but it is an imporant...
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A Fashion trend spotted by IAmFashion. We're not really feeling it, but you decide.

Ever since the Balenciaga FW07 show, I've been paying more attention to people's scarves rather than their bags. OK, it's unfortunate I used Beckham as an example here, but these scarves are pretty unisex.

It is getting a bit warm to wear big, thick scarves, but it may be the perfect time to...
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We realize "Product Review Club" is a totally unoriginal name for what is in fact a very cool thing, but hey, we came up with the idea during one of the gloomier days in April when the weather was so bad it stunted our creativity. So there.

Anyhoo, we've been bombarded lately with fabulous products from companies who'd like to get them reviewed and as much as we'd love to hoard it all...
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Here's a great read from Webmd about thinking yourself skinny by cutting out the mental fat.

While there's no getting around the need to exercise and eat healthier, long-term weight loss starts in your head. Experts say that having the right attitude can help you think yourself thin. Keep reading for more great tips!

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One more reason to be careful where you eat from The Gothamist...

The Manhattan DA's office announced that thirteen people were indicted in a identity theft scam. Credit card information from diners in Chinatown and other areas (Brooklyn, Westchester, Long Island, Florida, New Hampshire, New Jersey, and Connecticut) would be stolen by wait staff, using handheld credit card skimmers. A list...
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Earth Day should really be every day - not just once a year, but it's a great opportunity to highlight those who are doing their part to save our lovely planet and consider what we can do to make a difference.

We came across an interesting article on Yahoo about what a few of the world's billionaires are doing to conserve energy. Microsoft Co-Founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen are thinking...
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Another amazing recipe from Epicurious.com. This would make the perfect summer evening dinner.

Here are the ingredients:

1/3 cup dry white wine
1/3 cup fresh orange juice
2 1/2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 2 1/2-pound salmon fillet

3 large navel oranges

1/2 cup matchstick-size strips red pepper 1/2 cup thinly sliced red onion
2 1/2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
2 teaspoons minced...
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Did you guys know it was Earth Day? This one's from ChickAdvisor's graphic designer, Angela.

Attention Everyone: PLEASE go outside this weekend and enjoy the weather! It's earth day :)

Take part in your local clean-up, tree-planting, or even just walk around your town or city, and get inspired to do something good for the planet. I will be attempting to set up my balcony garden,...
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Every city has their own collection of oddballs and wierdos and Toronto is no exception. We have several Santa Claus impersonators downtown that beg for change or just make a public spectacle of themselves all year round. I spotted one Santa at Fashion Week wearing a red leather jacket, hamming it up in the media lounge that I'd given money to in the winter when I thought he was homeless. I...
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Applying make-up to Asian eyes need not be so complicated. This post from Make-Up Junkie in Canada is a great how-to...

Asian eyes are one of my favourite shapes to apply eye shadows on. Often times, my Asian customers would apologize for having 'difficult' eyes to work with. No need to apologize - Asian eyes are a beautiful shape and with the right techniques you can enhance your eyes...
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