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eBeautyDaily spotted this recall and we thought you'd want to know as well.

Well, this sort of stinks. I have been using the Dove SkinVitalizer over the last week, and was just getting geared up to tell you how much I liked it, when I stumble across a recall notice for it. The cleanser pads are attached (quite nicely, I might add) by a velcro like material which apparently didn't grip as...

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We found this on TheBudgetFashionista and we think there are some great skincare tips here for those of us with limited funds.

It's easy enough to be all polished and gorgeous when you're a senior adviser to Hillary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi. But what's the average, underpaid aide to do? Savvy Beltway-area babes (and most of them are) know that they...


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Like Winterlicious in Toronto, Brooklyn is having their own restaurant sampling for a fixed price. We found this on the Gothamist. If you live in the New York area or plan to visit, this is for you.

From beastly brisket sandwiches to Bruni-sanctioned shrines to pork, Brooklyn has established itself as a dining destination worthy of a restaurant week all its own. Now in its fourth year, Dine in...

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What?? b Espresso Bar is open on Saturdays? They serve brunch?? We recently noticed this fabulous post from blogTO and realised we've been seriously missing out. If you live in the Toronto area, you MUST check this place out. Everything there is amazing. Read on, lovelies and prepare to get very hungry.

The last time I reviewed b Espresso, I had lots of good things to say about their service...

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Did you know it was recently International Women's Day? Most of us probably had no clue, which is too bad. AskPatty has done a nice little write up about it that we thought would interest you.

International Women's Day has been observed since in the early 1900's, a time of great expansion and turbulence in the industrialized world that saw booming population growth and the rise of...

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You're bundled up to your eyeballs looking anything but fashionable as you hurry along the trendy Bloor St. Strip. Apparently, the Weather didn't get the memo that it's supposed to be spring already! You're fighting every urge to go shopping despite the warmth of the stores when you spot in the distance like an icy mirage, Far Coast, a gorgeous new 2 level cafe with big windows and...
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EbeautyDaily tackles the topic of natural beauty products. How do you know that what you are getting is the real deal?

There are a huge number of personal care products that claim to be natural, but are they? Currently, these products are not regulated in the U.S or the E.U. - they may contain less than 10% natural ingredients and almost none are 100% natural. How do you know what you are getting...

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We can just feel our hips expanding with this delicious post from The Amateur Gourmet.

This is the best batch of chocolate chip cookies I've ever made and I attribute its success to two things: an ice-cream scoop and Diana's cookie sheets. And maybe a 400 degree oven.

We did The Martha Stewart recipe again (still the best recipe I know) and we were nervous because even though the first...

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As always, IAmFashion is totally on top of the fashion scene. Here, she covers Paris.

Paris Fashion Week just doesn't seem complete without me rambling on and on about Chloe. So here I go. . . Chloe. The much anticipated first collection by their new designer Paulo Melim Andersson, this collection was exciting and definitely different from what we have come to expect from Chloe. Gone was the...

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[French-Toasted Brioche]
Check out this absolutely mouth-watering recipe from Chocolate & Zucchini. Mmmmm!

After a main course of cider-stewed pork served with pasta gratin, this is the sweet note on which my last dinner party ended. Inspiration sprung, again, from my recent meal at Le Caméléon, where the Amaretto cherry pain perdu was enchanting.

In its most basic incarnation, pain...
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